Oct 06, 2010 09:20
Nothing particularly interesting here, I just found myself with some time and motivation to type something (could be because I am avoiding doing work for my dissertation).
Currently sat in the uni LRC thingy. Listening to Julia Nunes songs, looking like a twat as I mouth along to some (thankfully no one is really around at the moment). Surprisingly it's refreshing to be out of my house, it's really awkward at the moment because of what my dad's done (better to ask me about it if anything).
This week I'm meant to be doing inter-professional work. Monday's lectures in the morning were not exactly thrilling but were ok. The afternoon... I found myself falling asleep during one, the next guy was incredibly boring. I'm not sure what the point of his one was. He seemed to just tell us his life story and name drop people I probably should know of.
Yesterday was a little more... interesting. Small groups of different health-care students working on case studies. Was ok but seemed repetitive and the people in my group just wouldn't get on with the work so we could go earlier. We are meant to met up today to finish some off, however someone said we can do it at hers. I can't drive and have this dissertation plan to get it (those three don't do dissertations) so they excused me from it, which was nice... though I've not been very productive with the day so far.
Even this slight change of scenery has made me more relaxed and content. Despite all work that is slowly piling up on top of me. This will sound odd and as if I am off my rocker but my perception of the world around me keeps changing back and forth (not in a "Woah, I'm seeing demons" etc. etc. way just my outlook I guess).
I'd back track on things I have done up until now but to be honest there isn't a whole lot to talk about. Generally my life is pretty repetitive and will be for a while longer. Placement next week, working 6 days a week for a days wage sounds like fun to me!
Now back to my work. Yippie.