a little to the left!

Jun 06, 2005 17:33

Last night, it almost looked like I knew how to bowl. I even got a strike on the first frame, and three over all. Granted, I got a 102 and an 80-something, but I finally overcame the curse of the lefty hook and managed to bowl the ball mostly in the middle of the lane. I beat Jordan and Vince in both games, although Vince got all gutterballs in the last two frames, letting me edge out in front by four or five points, so it was pretty much a fluke.

Before our bowling adventure, we drove down to the Flemington area and had dinner at Chilis, where the woman sitting in the booth next to us and our waitress had us giggling through the whole dinner- the woman because she was a total bitch to the waitress and her kid, and the waitress because she kept grinning at us. Also, Jordan and Vince were sitting next to each other and Jordan was wearing pastel, which they found infinitely amusing.

I think we're a very strange trio, but we have a good time together. They try to gang up on me about politics, but then Jordan pulls things like going from a hardcore republican to a socialist within a half-mile stretch, and I just have to laugh.

I got the new Better Than Ezra CD today, so I listened to it twice. A few songs caught my ear, but it'll take me a while to warm up to, as always. I got an autographed copy, too, which is a first. I think Kim might go with me into the city for the concert, if we can get someone to buy tickets beforehand so we don't have to pay annoying convenience charges. Speaking of Kim, I hung out with her yesterday for a while. We went to the street fair and watched The Incredibles, which I enjoy every time I see.

I talked to my supervisor for camp (who is also my mom's close friend and basically my godmother) the other day, and she said she knows someone who needs a babysitter for a couple of hours a couple nights a week. So it looks like my search for minor second employment might end before it begins--I hope so.

Emily moved in today to a place at Lehigh, so I might go visit her later this week. This begins the mass exodus out of Bridgewater, if I can exaggerate a bit. Soon it'll just be me and Amy Q.
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