I pimped my journal. LOL. Ok, made a whole change (everything but the userinfo lol)! New header, same layout (but back to original colours!) and new FO banner. As I love the other one so much, I left the link there for me to go back to it later lol. Anyway, pictie there is from Cabo Polonio, such a paradise site on my country. Is such a pretty and lovely place, I love going to spend the day there on summers(cause... i don't think I could survive more -well, if i take tons of books i could spend a summer reading, but... it's not as if there's much more to do lol-). I love that place, is so... unique. Anyway, made that colouring for some lims, and now is up there cause it's pretty <3. I also have a moodtheme! *dances around* a JACKSON moodtheme, thanks to
love_square <3 *iz in love*
Anyway, I wasn't sure if I should make this, but... Made it for HP, why not for TW? So, if you find it silly, skip, if you like the idea, spread the word.
So, if the image doesn't explain itself, things are like this, there's people that actually like learning things from the book and no for any other place. There's people that won't have the book the 2nd August, maybe even won't have the book until half through August (and I'm not mentioning even people that can't get the english version, and will have to wait for their own language to come out!).
So, spread the word, keep the spoilers under cut, keep the spoilery icons, images, whatever on the proper post, and let's give everybody the opportunity to read the book as they like, as they want, in the time they can. It doesn't take much than a bit precautious, and good will, and everybody will be happy.
Spread the love, not the spoilers! lol
PS: If anybody wants "brb reading, antispoilers, spoilerfree, whatever," banners or icons, tell me and i'll try do something!
Y ahora en español! lol.
Seamos realistas, no todos podremos leer el libro el 2 de Agosto, ni el 4, quizás ni con suerte para mediados de mes. Hay quienes tendrán que esperar la versión en español y por ende, esperar hasta octubre para poder enterarse de los sucesos del libro. Seamos realistas, hay quienes también preferimos enterarnos las cosas leyendo del mismo libro, que de post o comentarios o icons flotando en al web.
Entonces, hagamos correr la voz, mantengamos los spoilers bajo cut, todo lo relacionado con Breaking Dawn en los post que correspondan, y demos la oportunidad a los demás de decidir si quieren enterarse o no de lo que sucede. No importa si nosotros no tenemos problema en enterarnos o si ya hemos leído el libro, es por nosotros y por los demás. Solamente requiere un poco de cuidado, atención y buena voluntad, y todos seremos felices.
Así que, haz que el amor corra pero no los spoilers! lol.
PD: Si alguien quiere icons o banners antispoilers, spoilerfree, brb leyendo, whatever, pidan que veré que puedo hacer.