Night call.

Aug 07, 2014 01:24

Приходя ко мне, исцелись от ран
И запомни - рядом нельзя бояться.
Мне не хватит радости и добра,
Чтобы снять твой вросший под кожу панцирь.
Время шрамом тянется от бедра
И уходит в землю, срываясь с пальцев (с)

iMess from Tess.
Stop the car and get out.

iMess from Noah.

Call me.


- Noah? Hi, how are you, darling?
 - Tired. As hell.
 - are in the car.
 - Yes, talk now. I can hear you.
 - It makes no sense. I've asked.
Beep. Beep.


- I know. I've stopped. Still tired as hell. What did you want to tell?
 - Close your eyes.
 - Done.
 - Thousands of problems are out there. But this is your choice to solve them and to fight them - each morning and sometimes each night. Don't let this routine carry you away from your family. Just...stop sometimes. Like now. Please, do remember - there are other worlds than these. And other people than these. Take a deep breath and do remember - I am in the other world for you now - with lions, tigers and bears. But I'll be there for you. I long for you. I see you with the eyes of my heart. Thank you.
 - Thanks. So glad to hear you.

записки на стенах, ТессКаннингхэм, коломбина

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