I have this WHOLE shit typed up when my Semagic froze... fuckeeet! Okay SECOND TRY!
Hey you guys!
It's been forever since I posted anything. I'm here I swear!
And to prove that I'm posting a little treasure for you! I will try to give away little things time to time. MY art muse is ditching me for others, but it will get back to me... it usually does :D
Also I've been busy preparing to Asylum, reading my bigbang stories I have to illustrate and settling in in my new job.
But I have been thinking what I can post for you! And I think it's perfect. It was shoot during S1 (Dead in the Water, 1x04) and a lot of J2 moment in it! So many I had to make a little picspam :D
So ENJOY! (Little snipplets are from the transcripts ofthe interview :D - If there is a mistake, it's my fault)
(Also Jared is in a cast during that interview, and since then we got to know that Jared got in a barfight and Jensen helped him out and fought next by his side... OH BOYS!)
Yup, this interview is one of my favs after
Paley Festival :D
★ Jared: "We kinda like busting each other knees, kinda making fun of each other...
we'd go out and drink, is that bad?...
We spend so much time with each other that you became so comfortable, and that's good because it shows on screen."
☆ Jensen: "Jared and I kinda hit it off really quickly."
☆ Jensen: "Yeah, I just jumped into his arms and screamed bloody murders"
★ Jared: " Da, ts, da da da, ts, da da da" Feel like we are cool...which we're not"
☆ Jensen: "I thought you gonna say briefs or boxers" *facepalm*
☆ Jensen:" There was this picture of Jared and I,
at the premier party of the show at the network, and that was written in the caption
that the new hotties or whatever and here is a picture of him putting,
you know, bunny ears behind me and me going like THIS!
And I was just like perfect... PERFECT! That's exactly what a hottie should look like,
it's a bunch of IDIJITS!"
(For further reference, this is the picture ;))
★ Jared: "You know Since Jensen and I are so HOT!
It's very flattering, it's very flattering and so cute when a girl come up or a GUY and say
- Hey you so cute - or whatever."
☆ Jensen: "He can take the brooding trouble look, I look like the moron I don't care!"
★ Jared: "I'm sexy...
How we look is just a shell of who you are, it's nothing really has to do with you!"
StarInside - Supernatural - 76.30Mb .wmv
Sendspace linkPlease so not repost the link anywhere,
Click Save As, don't waste the bandwich please.
Also the clip is from Jensenacklesfans.com
Hope you liked this little spam from S1 :D I just LOVE the new and exciting relationship they had back then. Now they are more like a married coupled, lol. I bet they say each other names out loud when they dream *g*
*hugs f-list* Sorry for being MIA.
Love ya guys!
(p.s. please do not repost these caps, and use them)