Welcome Post

Jun 06, 2016 16:03

Rewriting this section now.

If you are here for my art this is not your place. I have my own graphic community so go and check it out!

bite_my_museIF you here for me, feel free to stick around. I won't lock every entry, I will still post crack, fics, vids and whatever comes to my mind, but my personal entries will remain locked ( Read more... )


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Comments 359

causefire April 6 2008, 16:25:42 UTC
Hm. Okay. I added you a while okay cause... I don't know... for a lot of reasons. I just love to read your sometimes crazy entries. *hehe* No matter if it's pics or fanart or some other random info.
That's basically why I am here. ;D

Oh and...your new header is just so awesome. *faints*


nyaubaby April 6 2008, 16:49:52 UTC
Thank you! WE are commenting each other for a long time as I see, and I love what you do too.

And I do have crazy entries, lol. Well who doesnt :D Maybe I have a ltitle more, but anyway. I'm gonna add you back. I wanted to do for a quite some time but this seems a nice reason to do so. So welcome, and have fun. Probably you gonna read more crazy stuff, LOL


causefire April 8 2008, 21:21:52 UTC
xD *hugs*


kajmere April 6 2008, 17:54:35 UTC
I friended you ages ago, like I said in a earlier comment, almost a year ago. Im not too worried about getting a friend back :) just as long as your arts are still open to everyone :) cause I think i'd die if I couldn't look at pretty nyaubaby art

I don't really have any questions for you ^.^

I just want to express how totally awesome I think you are ♥


nyaubaby April 6 2008, 18:01:59 UTC
Aww, you too sweet! LOL! I don't plan closing or lockign it. I've heard a lot of horror stories and I've experienced a couple of crediting issues myself, but hell I do it for you guys, and 95% of the people are not crazy shit like the oens who steal. So Why I should punish those who are nice enough, sweet enough and worth enough to be their artbitch?

And really thank you for dropping me a comment :)


sin_of_pride April 6 2008, 17:55:03 UTC
Okay, if you want to know, at first I friended you for your artwork- 'cause let's face it, it's gorgeous- but over time I've really gotten to like your take on things and the way you write about the fandom madness that is SPN. In short, we share some interests and I like you ♥

:) I'm glad to stalk you like a fangirl read your journal


nyaubaby April 6 2008, 18:05:26 UTC
Thank you! Yep, I suppose most of the people friends me because of my art. I'm just happy that after my art, they might look a little deeper, and they find some other stuff they like, lol.

I haven't written a lot about the fandom bznss lately, but I got encouraged not to hold back myself, lol.

So happy to be the entertainer ;) Welcome and enjoy!


sin_of_pride April 6 2008, 18:09:22 UTC
LOL, nah, I actually read your journal because of you by now and not so much the artwork. Since I don't really take it, I just gape at it from time to time and wonder how you do it ;)



nyaubaby April 6 2008, 18:12:51 UTC
erm, I would squish you but it's pretty hard through my laptop ;)

thank you! :D


force_oblique April 6 2008, 20:11:23 UTC
Awww, my sweet sweet Susers.... XD

Of course at first I friended you because I really loved your art and wanted to keep up with it!!!
But as you began posting longer entries with a part of yourself attached to your artwork I knew you were a person I wanted as a friend!!

You are among the most generous and kind persons I know online and I respect you deeply for your integrity and your passion!!!

And I adore your new header...It's so light and it has Jared-goodness so its made of win! :D

I <333 you!!!


nyaubaby April 6 2008, 21:30:29 UTC
As I remember, you told me you know me from FDN. Right? Or am I wrong? Well I did know you like my art, it's just when people got behind my shields and recognise I'm not just about art and such, then I'm happy to be friending back.

And you got through me :) And I'm happy you did. And thank you for everything, your support and that you stick with me, no matter what crazy shit I pull out of my ass, lol.

Thank you!


force_oblique April 7 2008, 03:55:38 UTC
I didn't exactly know you! lol
I just commented on your art so it still holds....
I friended you on lj due to your art! =P lol

Awww, I understand! *huggles you*

It's really nothing, because you don't pull crazy stuff. Nothing you could ever do or say - as long as it's the real you- could put me off! <33


nyaubaby April 7 2008, 12:41:11 UTC
LOL. Well sometimes I do feel crazy, and these days I'm letting it out more than I used to. It feels good just be a little bit free.

Seems my art gets people here on the first place.. lol.

I'm gonna try and do the crackstuff soon too. LOL



micheleeeex April 6 2008, 23:56:16 UTC
Uhm I totally want to friend you because you LOVE SUPERNATURAL.

I do too. *raises hand*


nyaubaby April 7 2008, 12:43:21 UTC
Sure! Go ahead! (well you did) lol

Welcome here, I love the show, and I believe you can see it everywhere you look in my journal. I'm happy to be the fangirl who not just drools but make people drool, LOL

So get a bucket and take a seat! LOL


micheleeeex April 7 2008, 19:14:27 UTC

*gets a bucket* XD


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