I'm gonna bitch long and detailed now! If you don't care about it go but I need to get out this and now in public. An entry only for this and open your ears and eyes because I won't tell it again.
I really enjoy making arts. I'm a graduated architect now, and it keeps me on loop and helps me get better view on graphical stuff, and of course I love when people squee about it, and I feel proud that I gave them this happiness. Although I do spend hours and days, sometimes a lot of curses on animations, icons, arts. I don't own any of the pictures, I don't own Supernatural or the boys, but I do spend a lot of time creating graphics. And I know I'm not alone, and there are a lot of artists in the same shoes.
Internet is an enormous network connecting millions of people, and we can't avoid stealing or uncrediting or any other stuff if we post something online. I'm aware of that. And now I'm talking to those people, who only lurking around, without LJ or guts to comment, or just forgetting to save a name with the art, or just DON'T BOTHER to do it. Well I do care! I care about crediting, and I care about the 8 letters that should go next to the arts, which is nyaubaby. I dont think 8 letters would mean much to you guys, but for me that's the payment I got for the long hours.
And for the record, I keep hunting. From time to time I go and check on random livejournals, forums, Myspaces and everything I can have access. Sometimes I even register to send a Message or just send an email asking to think what means to appreciate other people's hard work.
And I'm not only doing this for myself, but because I do hunt and write notes and messages, that people who I find will think next time before he/or she wanna grab something without saving the name or just don't caring about who made it. Because I keep lurking and I keep finding people. Here is an example, and if you are this girl see this, then yes, yes, I FOUND YOU! And I do fucking CARE!
The icon which at least got credit and link back to my journal are hotlinked. Hotlinking is BAD BAD BAD! Just think... If I have thousand icons on my account. You start to hotlink, I have like 500 people visiting my journal, then my account will die, and you wont see much just images that say, EXPIRED! Do you want it? DO YOU?! Hotlinking rule is not just for fun, but because I want my account to live! *pfff*
And about this one... *sigh* I marked the interesting stuff....
Seriously... those people bitching about crediting but they never care?!!!! Well WATCH ME!
I won't reply there, because no need, but I usually keep track on my stuff!
the forum So people who are just lurking here and don't care to save my stuff properly... (Seriously, open a folder and save the stuff there and name the folder nyaubaby, speakfree, mata090680, or any other iconmaker!) I will hunt you down, everybody. I have a collecting JAR! JAR OF EYEBALLS! I will collect YOURS! Yes, YOURS! as well. Don't make these few people make me stop sharing my stuff.
I'm not thinking of it now, but might happen if I keep tracking people who are like this.
People on my f-list, I know they care. So I wanna give you a big and enormous GROUPHUG! I love you all! And this is not against you! It's just unfortunately the way some people don't think. And that's what I wanna change... yep, *beams* I'm that naive, but well we all have obsessions. Supernatural is mine. Please show your appreciation for other peoples work by giving them credit, or try making your own!
Don't take this personal, but if you are one of those people for whom this post was directed at... Then sit down and think deep.And go back and credit anything you may have grabbed from me. I really hope this was the last post about this issue. I REALLY REALLY hope.
Susan ♥