I am alive

Nov 15, 2010 14:12

Hi everyone ( Read more... )

jib, personal, life changes, photoblog

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Comments 23

godamnarmsrace November 15 2010, 14:29:34 UTC
*jumps on you*


nyaubaby November 15 2010, 14:31:14 UTC
Lol. That was scary :)


godamnarmsrace November 15 2010, 14:33:34 UTC


nyaubaby November 15 2010, 14:42:33 UTC
because u jumped me. It was out of the blue ;)


padabee November 15 2010, 14:40:06 UTC
Glad all is fine with you, hon :D


nyaubaby November 15 2010, 14:43:25 UTC
OMG! Martha I had to go and check on your journal to ID who you are, lol. Funny name ;) Why is the change?


padabee November 20 2010, 08:32:37 UTC
*rofl* I wanted something without numbers, this one came up (it has a bit of a history), so I finally went for it after about a year of just thinking of changing. *g*


aruna7 November 15 2010, 14:45:58 UTC

Glad to know that all is good for you, hon!


nyaubaby November 15 2010, 14:57:49 UTC
Thanks :) Hope you are doing fine too. I remember you having some changes in your life too. Hope it goes well for you and you will be v happy :)


pat_susana November 15 2010, 15:01:29 UTC
Jó napot, Sue!!!
So good to see you posting and read about all these good changings in your life. You definitely deserve them ♥

Eh, we need to check out your photo blog because we are curious for those Australia photos :D


fryttu November 15 2010, 15:46:13 UTC
Hey there! Glad to here you're happy about your life! I've seen the updates of your photoblog, I get them in google reader. Hope you'll upload more pictures! From Australia, may be.


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