Scotland is the BEST place on EARTH! :)

Jul 03, 2010 14:52

Hi People,

I know I haven't been around much. I wanted to give a quick update as again I got some worried emails... you guys are awesome :D

Well first of all I'm sick AGAIN! I have been working crazy hours lately! I counted and in June I worked more than 230 hours overall, which I think is INSANE.
I have 4 projects and working my way through, but got sick last week. My boss was so kind to send me home on Thursday and when I got home I hit the shack and slept for like 3 hours I was so tired.
Yesterday I didn't feel any better and I even got a slight fever. My throat is killing me and I cannot swallow (don't laugh ;)).

But all in all I'm doing good. I was visiting Scotland for 5 days a month ago and had the BEST time ever! So Let me post a couple of pictures to cheer myself up.
The weather was SUPERB, really enjoyed every minute of it.

No photoshop on them cause I'm lazy shit :)



Amazing landscape as we were sliding through the highlands in our minivan :)

It was almost midnight when we arrived to Isle of Skye. Look at the sky!

Seagull resting. :)

Eilan Donan Castle, that's where they shot the Highlander :)

Interesting greenery ;)

Kilt Rock, pretties thing EVER!

Highland COW! They are so SMUSHY!!!

Another Castle

Some flower, I think it must be Golden Shower

We went on some boat trip to see other Islands like Mull, Staffa and Iona. The lighthouse on the way

Seagull following our ferry :)


Yep, that's my shoes in the foreground!

Fingal's cave

Amazing Nature

Abbey on Iona

We went hiking too :)

And that was Scotland :)

And a Bridget Jones style at the end ;)

I haven't got time to read any bigbangs yet. Can you Rec me?! I want to read something good at least when I AM IN BEDREST AND THERE IS THE LONDON PRIDE TODAY!!!! *cries*

eta: I might actually go out for 2 hours :P I cannot say no to the ghayz ;)

scotland, picspam, travel

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