So we went to Disney, last Saturday and it was awesome, so here are some pictures.. (they are not in any particular order)
Stitch eating my head on the monorail. Amy bought the stitch to give to Carli and we took pictures of it all day (at all four parks.)
Walt Disney World!!! And Amy with her awesome Academy shirt. :P
Picture of Amy on the balcony of the hotel (Buena Vista Palace, it was awesome :) ) we stayed at Friday and Saturday night.
Monorail at Epcot!
Another sunset pic. ^^
Different sunset pic.
Stitch and Hello Kitty <3
...Naruto that they sold at the Japan store at Epcot.
Also at Epcot.
Pretty Fountain.
Uh, don't know why that picture is there....
Shrine of Stitch. (one of the apples was actually real... >.>)
Mt. Everest, that was such a fun ride at Animal Kingdom.
Giant Pirates poster that I want to steal at MGM.
Tower of Terror that I went on for the first time, ever.
Lunch at The LAND.
My giant salad y Stitch
..before going on Mission Space, except we didn't actually go on it, because there was a "water spill"on it when we were waiting in line. Next time~
Test Track! (Note my awesome necklace XD)
Teh Giant Golf Ball-thing.
Hehe, Stitch is awesome on teh monorail.
and that is the last random pic of Stitch~
So we went to all 4 parks, which is pretty awesome, and we did almost everything that we wanted to except go on Mission Space. I really want to go to Disney more this summer, especially next Friday when the Pirates of the Carribean ride reopens, but like no one else has a pass. >.>
And this past week has been quite busy actually (hence the delay) as last Friday was the Panic! concert, Saturday was Disney, Sunday Warped Tour, Monday nothing but I slept like all day :P Tuesday-Wednesday River, and yesterday was Blizzard Beach which was so much fun. And we saw Superman yesterday which was *suprisingly* a really good movie :P
I'll post another update about Warped Tour later!!!