
Feb 08, 2008 12:44

Things have been going nicely. I now have two people willing to collect things for me and while they have not asked to be paid anything but some trade of services I believe now that the workshop is starting to develop an income I will have to start paying them a fair wage anyway.

I've begun fermenting and refining some of by products from The Aquareclamation Device. So many useful things are coming form rendering things down. Much thanks to my helpers and the critters they have been finding. While one of the batches is coming out as a simple alcohol that is human consumable it currently has more kick then taste. I will need to find a way to improve this. Many other chemical components are starting to get rendered out nicely I will be able to dabble in some of the non-mechanical arts soon.

Also I've begun work on a mechanical strider to transverse the junkyard easier it is a long way form being workable but it has promise.

[To workshop 'helpers' // unhackable]
(ooc: this will actually be a note in the back room where helpers drop stuff off)

Dear collectors,

Please see The Artificer for pay on a weekly basis. Your pay will be based on the amount of salvage you bring in that is of use. This is above any non-monetary agreement we might have at this time.

As a reminder please remember to keep the more interesting drop offs for after the shop closes.

Signed Nyarlathotep
(ooc: yes you can now amuse you get paid a low income Hes not rich after all :3 )

helpers, workshop, invention

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