Title: One Last Time Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Angst Word count: 746 Summary: For the summerpornathon Challenge 2: AU, and to fill my quill_it prompt tense. WWI trench warfare fic. The day before The Big Push.
For some reason I did not read this as something sexual at all, but more as an act of support and caring and just being there for each other. Because of the mood you set in the beginning, I kept imagining them dirty and cold and basically ripped to shreds before they fight the battle to come *g*
Awww, haha, war!fic makes me cry so much. I wanted to keep the ending vague either way,so you just have to use your imagination like that. XD Thanks for commenting!
>< can you imagine what it's like to actually be into a fandom that deals with war? (aka Band of Brothers and the Pacific). Hnfm. And in my mind... to tell you the truth, I don't think they'd survive.
Aww, haha. And boooo! That's probably why I could never be in war fandom, even though I love a lot of war literature. The literature's bad enough, but MORE STUFF SUGGESTING PEOPLE DIED? D: D:
For some reason I did not read this as something sexual at all, but more as an act of support and caring and just being there for each other. Because of the mood you set in the beginning, I kept imagining them dirty and cold and basically ripped to shreds before they fight the battle to come *g*
but please tell me they survived?
I'm such a sucker for war!fic. *sigh*
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