London Expo Merlin panel report

May 29, 2010 21:38

So, I was at the Expo with the Merlin panel earlier today. I'm writing down the answers to the questions I can still remember - I'm sure the video of the whole thing will come out soon but until then, enjoy! The questions and answers are NOT verbatim or in the right order, so it's just a rough idea of what I remember. Also, sometimes, more than one person answered a question and I can only remember what one of them said, sorry! D:

Q: Question for Colin - how does Merlin and Arthur's relationship progress in this series?
[Audience squeak, laugh and ooh. ;D]
A (CM): Er, *ignores undertones* a lot has changed in this next series. It's set a year on from where we left and their relationship reflects that.

Q: For Katie - Do you still have Hugo?
A (KM): Yes! He's still an integral part of my life.

Q: On a scale of one to ten, what's Morgana's retribution on Merlin going to be like?
A (KM): Well obviously she now knows what he did to her *GLARE* but I think that how intense the retribution is, is up to you guys to decide.

Q: Question for Colin - last year you said that the weirdest fan gift you and Bradley was that you were given some vegetables. Has anything topped that this year?
A (CM): Yes. *slight laugh* The fan response has been immense. Unfortunately, it's not very appropriate for all ages to say out loud here though. It sounds cheesy but I've got to say again that the fan support is really fantastic though.

Q: What do you guys feel about the fanfiction and orientation fans give your characters?
A (AC): I think it's great that people put together videos and things of us.

Official: Speaking of videos, there was someone who couldn't make it today, but they made Colin and Bradley a video. *hands Colin two copies*

Q: For all of you - what would you have wanted to do if you hadn't been actors?
A (CM): Well I've never wanted to be anything else but an actor but it would probably be journalism.
A (KM): I'd like to write... about dead people. :D
A (AC): I don't know; it would have to be creative though. Maybe a musician, writing songs or something perhaps?

Q: So, can I give you a hug?
Official: Er... we'll see afterwards (ie. he meant 'no'. XD)

Q: In a fight, who would win: Morgana or Merlin?
A(CM): ...;____; Don't hurt me.
A (KM): No, seriously, Morgana.
A (CM): I think that they would beat each other on different levels.
A (KM): Morgana would so kick Merlin's butt.
A (CM): Right, let's do this! *pretends to get out of chair*

Q: For Colin - does Bradley treat you the same off-screen as he does on-screen?
A (CM): Well...
A (KM): *laughs* It's not really fair to pick on Bradley when he's not here, is it?
A (CM): No. I don't open doors or anything like that for him off set. He hires his own men to do that. I'm joking...

Q: I'm from America, and series two has just shown there. Will you be visiting any time soon?
A (JC or CM I don't remember): Well the schedule is very tight with filming, but we'll see.

Q: So you're filming series three now - will there be a series four too?
A (JC): Well the plan was always to have at least five series, so we hope so.
A (CM): You'll have to get your friends to keep watching it!

Q: For the girls - out of all the outfits, which one would you keep?
A (AC): Oh, I'd keep Katie's, but I'm not allowed to.
A (KM): ALL OF THEM! ]< I always say it's sad when I get married, because on my wedding day, I won't possibly get anything that could top what I get to wear on set on a daily basis.

Q: For Katie - do you carry on getting great outfits and which is your favourite outfit in the new series?
A (KM): Oh, I don't want to spoil series three so I can't really describe it to you, but trust me, you will definitely know which one I'm talking about when you see it.

Q: For Colin - What's your favourite spell and if you could make one up, what would it be?
A (CM): I like the short ones the best, so like . [He also said what he'd make up but I don't remember...]


[Can't remember the question]
A (JC): And we have these dolls! *brings out little plastic dolls about five inches high* There's mini Merlin, and Arthur. We also have Gaius, and... the dragon! And we'll also have Morgana and
A (KM): Don't call them dolls. The boys get offended; they're all like 'They're not dolls, they're ACTION FIGURES.' It sounds much more masculine if they're action figures.
[Insert some other banter]
Official: You could settle who would win a fight just by using two of these and making them fight each other.
A (KM): Morgana would still win. ]<
A (CM): ;___;

Q: For Colin, what's the geekiest thing you've done?
A (CM): Er, probably this. *pretends to steal his own doll* It's pretty geeky stealing your own action figure. But what's geeky for me might not be for someone else so it's probably up to these guys to decide... Guys?
A (AC): Er... nothing really.
A (KM): He's too cool for that.
A: (CM): Aw, thanks guys.

Q: For anyone who wants to go into acting, have you any advice?
A (JC): Short answer - don't do it. It's hard, there will be lots of rejections and very few actors actually work. The cast to Merlin are an exception, really.

Q: For Katie - how big a difference is this - acting - and what you were doing before?
A (KM): Oh, massive. It was literally like one day I was holding an umbrella over an AD's head and the next day someone was doing the same thing for me. [A story about how she sometimes forgets this and tries to do things for other people.] I much prefer this, of course.

Q: What's harder for you, the action scenes or the romantic scenes?
A (KM): I don't have any romance scenes. ;__;
A (CM): It's because you're evil.
A (JC): Sometimes, I think the comic scenes are harder than either of them, because it's got to be so well done.

Q: What do you guys do to relax?
A (CM): Obviously with the filming - it's a long job, eight months - so it's nice to be able to do normal stuff. Go on holiday, or go home to see your family and friends, normal stuff like that.
A (AC): I like cooking, and making things, clothes, that sort of thing.

Q: Has the filming changed your personalities at all?
A (AC): Oh yeah, Colin's a total diva now! Joking... >>
A (JC): I think I'm best answering this one actually. When I first started, these three people were humble people and now they are horrible monsters. >> Actually no, they're all still very humble.

Q: Do you guys get recognised in public a lot, and what happens when you do?
A (KM): Actually once I got off a tube to meet Colin and someone went straight up to Colin as asked for a photo with him. She didn't recognise me at all. She was actually clearly like 'Get out of my photo. >>'. Also, I've had an argument with someone about how I'm not Keira Knightley - a full blown argument. I think I know who I am, thank you very much.

Q: What do you prefer, stage acting or filming?
A (AC): Well it's different. For stage, you have a lot more time to get into the character and so on. I suppose it's a bit like Merlin where we've had a long period of time to get into it.
A (KM): I haven't done any stage work, s I can't say. *sadfaces*
A (CM): I think in terms of the actual acting, there's not that much difference.

Q: [Little girl does up to them and hands them each a drawn portrait :3 :3 So cute.]
AC: We'll make sure Bradley gets his too.
KM: I think this looks better than I do...

Q: If you could be another character for a day, who would you be?
A (AC): I'd be Arthur, because then I'd get to swing around a sword all day.
A (KM): I'd be Uther so I'd get to rule.
A (CM): I'd be Gauis; he gets all the girls
A (JC): I'd be Merlin actually, so I could magic away all the production headaches...

Q: Between The Doctor and Merlin, who would win?
A (CM): Merlin! :3

Q: What's your favourite episode?
A (KM): Episode twelve of series two because there was so much I got to do.
A (AC): Episode five or six? The one with Lancelot in. :3
A (CM): I liked... the Witch-hunter, because Charles Dance was amazing.
A (KM): He is a scary man.

I'll add more if I remember! :x


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