Apr 17, 2007 20:01
Whee! I might get a job (nonpaying, haha~) teaching ESL classes over the summer :D I hope this works out, 'cause it'd be so damn fun! +___+ Omg. <3 my mom.
In other news, my Calculus grades seem to be rising, finally! I got a 94 on the last quiz. I find it highly ironic that I'm much better at what McDaniels claims is the hardest part -- free response. Nonetheless, it is good. Very good. <3
And I have started watching Anego as of late. I tried watching Magicians of Love & Devil Beside You, but neither interested me beyond the first couple episodes. I also tried Smiling Pasta, but that didn't even interest me for half an episode. :/ Anego look promising though, and I did not have to force myself to keep watching~~ Yay.
Finally, I am very disappointed to hear that Blaine is indeed leaving next year TT____TT NOOOOOOOO! How am I to take AP Economics now?! I'm glad I took APUSH with him before he left, though ;_; -sob- I will have fond memories left...