Wasted yet another day. ): Playing RO, and uh.. eating clementines. I always end up starving on breaks because I can barely cook, and I'm too lazy to cook what I can. (Well, I would actually go fry potatoes, but there are none. ;_; So I'm just eating apples.. and clementines... and bread. Ooh, the variety. >_>; And the protein!) Well, I guess it's better than gaining 234824 pounds on break. XD Which I hear a lot of people do? I don't understand how, because we rarely even have food unless I'm need of something to take to school for lunch. /sob
Yeah, anyhow, this entry isn't completely pointless. Finally uploaded the pictures from the camera, and found one decent picture of my new Ling Lam dress... and a really bad picture of my new haircut (only the front, which isn't even the interesting part XD). There's also a picture from Thanksgiving *gasp!* with my old and messy hair.
Will get some better pictures later. Perhaps when Chiggy and I get together to take silly photos for her application.