Blitzball championnn

May 03, 2009 21:36

 It has been a long time since I've spent as much time playing a video game as I did today playing Final Fantasy X with Sandra. And for the first time ever, when I say I was playing a game with Sandra, I don't mean she was playing and I was watching. I mean that I was playing and she was watching. So yeah =3=

We are the Blitzball masters except for Datto who needs to hurry up and die already :[ We need to find someone to replace that useless lump. He is a pathetic excuse for a life form much less a blitzball player and needs to take some lessons from BOTTA THE BEAST

Yeah boii also we named Tidus " t(ònót) " so every once in a while during a conversation we spontaneously burst into laughter because we are reminded that it's a hilarious name. It's particularly funny when Tidus is mad, and so the subtitles seem to be showing us his expression, like 
t(ònót): Shut up!

Or something like that. We are also mature and clever and have named our three summons so far "penis," "my penis," and "ur penis" ('your' wouldn't fit). So during a battle we will have discussions like "Summon my penis! No wait it's fire summon your penis!"

Yeah we're basically comic geniuses

But fuck boi we need to find someone to recruit so that we can replace Douche-o

((Note: 'fuck boy' is something Ruki says at the beginning of a Gazette song, and so 'fuck boi' has become a common saying between Sandra and I, who speak our own strange dialect of English. 'Yeah boii' is a variation that developed when I got "Bring the Noise" by Anthrax stuck in my head too many times. There is no reason as to why I type "boi" instead of "boy" except that it is better. Now you understand me 20% better!!))

((Note 2: having a Shou moodset makes me really happy and sometimes I will decide between various moods by which picture of Shou I like more))

video games, final fantasy

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