Stolen from
hyacinthdreams 8D
Hopefully this won't be too similar to hers
Pick 10 characters from as many fandoms as you wish.
Answer 16 questions.
Bonus: Name the meme pairing you like best and least.
Double bonus: Write a fic about either or both, featuring the situation from the meme.
Lets see if I can just do one person per band owo
1. Kazuma
2. Shun
3. Intetsu
4. Nao
5. Maya
6. Aoi
7. Inzargi
8. Teruki
9. Seika
10. Yomi
1. Describe the children of #3 and #7? Are they good parents?
Intetsu and Inzargi's children. xDD omg ok they would be...adorable...and at first you'd think they were kind of normal until you realized they were absolutely insane. They would probably dress all Oujisama/Kodona-esque and have tea and cake parties. This family...would be ridiculous
2. Describe #1 and #5's first kiss.
Kazuma and Maya :3 ...umm...I can't even imagine it because they're so opposite and yet similar. I can somehow see Maya doing something unexpectedly sweet and then Kazuma getting embarassed owo
3. How would #2 react to if #6 is pregnant with #10's baby?
How would Shun react to Aoi having Yomi's baby...
AoixYomi....or actually...wouldn't it be...YomixAoi? Ohhhh this poor baby, one of his daddies is a crazy pervert midget and one is a pissy badass guitarist. Shun would probably hang around with them until Aoi, who was now hormonal in addition to his usual temper, got mad at Shun for being ridiculous and Shun was sad and started avoiding Aoi. Because that is what SOMEONE did when they got complained at by fans on their blog.
4. How does #8 convince #7 to go with him on a date?
How does Teruki convince Inzargi...? This one seems strangely plausible..xD They're both strange but also Teruki is constantly trying to seem like he isn't really as uncool as he is, so he'd try to make up some excuse for them to be in a date-like situation. Without calling it a date. He'd probably even go so far as to make a joke about how "oh man it seems like I'm asking you on a date huh? HA HA" and Inzargi would be like "i c what u did thar" but he'd go anyway :D
5. Where would #9 and #6 go for their honeymoon? How is #4 going to sabotage their honeymoon?
AOI AND SEIKA'S HONEYMOON. OMG. WHY does this pairing idea amuse me so much?! Aoi is the type who would want to do something really badass, like go to Las Vegas for their honeymoon. And then Seika would say, "NO, we have to have our honeymoon on the beach!!" and not let them go to Las Vegas. So Aoi would have to go to Hawaii or something instead. and then....*scrollyscrolly* NAO would sabotage their honeymoon by asking Seika if he wanted to play Monster Hunter and because 90% of all jrockers play that game obsessively Aoi would hardly see Seika for days. ..except for it's Aoi so he'd get mad and be like "NAO FUCK OFF THIS IS OUR HONEYMOON" and Nao would be like "geez" and Seika would be like "SO MANLY~" and they'd go have sex
6. #6 is in love with #1. #3 confesses his love to #6. Whom would #6 pick? Does #8 think he made the right choice?
HOLD ON slow down. Okay. Aoi loves Kazuma but Intetsu loves Aoi. Aoi seems like the type who would just do what he wants so he'd probably go for Kazuma. Which would be about as great of a pairing as Aoi/Seika. I like Aoi with feminine jrockers apparently. Anyway, #8...Teruki thinks Aoi should have been a bit gentler about letting Intetsu down, but he understands.
7. #5 and #2 must pretend to be a married couple. Why?
oh my god. Because Giru and Aiji got fed up with their crazy, nerdy, messy, hyper, and slightly evil ways and sent them to live with each other for a bit to learn what it is like to have to deal with them being so obnoxious and having so much candy. And the more I think about it the more I see the similarities between these two. Except Shun hides it better.
8. #10 is moving in with #9. What do they fight about the most?
Seika and Yomi? I can see it being something like "Wah! Put your pants back o-what is that?! No put that down, no that's mi-PUT PANTS ON! Agh don't eat that DON'T SIT AT MY DRUMSET NAKED T___T"
Living with Yomi would be a lot of work
9. How will #4 prove his love to #1?
Nao to Kazuma? He'd try to show it in little ways, because he'd want to cover up the fact that he's shy about saying that kind of thing. He'd make jokes that hinted at it, and he'd name a stuffed animal (or say his TAMAGOTCHI, NAO) "Princess Kazuma". Or..."Kazundam"
10. #7 and #4. Love at first sight?
Inzargi and Nao? I feel like it would be more of a "best friends at first sight". I can imagine them taking over the world together, singing weird songs the whole time
11. What would #2 give #9 for Valentine's Day?
Shun and Seika owo Umm he'd get an animal-pen like his Buhi and be like "^w^ this one is for you~" and Seika would be like " thanks" and then Shun would go "Also, this!" and pull out like jewelry or something exciting and Seika would be like "Yayyyy! :D"
I don't know why I'm writing Seika so meanly here, but the selfishness that the band always talks about is coming to mind too much
12. Under what circumstances could #3 and #5 have a happy end?
Intetsu and Maya? If they weren't both rock stars I can imagine Intetsu making a nice little housewifehusband who has food ready for Maya when he gets home and everything. They'd both be just weird enough for each other, I think...
11. What would #8 like to change about #10? Does number #10 approve?
Teruki to Yomi...he would say...
You know what, Yomi is so obnoxious and perverted I feel like Teruki would only have "get taller" as advice and Yomi would be like D:
12. #2 and #7 are together. Who is more protective of the other?
Shun and Inzargi owo Why do I keep thinking that there is somehow a connection here? VIDOLL =/= MEGAMASSO
I thought both of them were shy and victims of insane bands only to find out they were among the worst members of those bands...oh wait that's not related to the question... Uh Shun would be protective but not openly :3 he'd just get sulky if he thought Inzargi wasn't paying enough attention to him
13. Who is first going to say "I love you", #1 or #9?
Kazuma or Seika. OMG AWW. I don't even know who would say it first, but the other one would be like "Eeee! *hug*" and either way it would be cute
14. Describe #10 and #4's perfect romantic outing.
Yomi and play video games and watch Gundam. (I feel like I may have decided on my own that Yomi is a nerd, if he's not, I'm very sorry to the perverted midget :D)
15. Who suffers from pre-wedding jitters, #3 or #8? How does best man #10 soothe them?
Well at...Teruki and Intetsu's wedding...Intetsu would be like "oh I'm so nervous!" and Teruki would be like "O____O HOLY SHIT WHAT AM I DOING" and Yomi would sing a song really loudly and everyone would be so distracted they would not be nervous anymore. ...I don't know why I picked Yomi when I can't take him seriously, I was just thinking of bands I have posters of
16. #6 is a secret admirer. What presents will they make the man of their dreams?
Aoi would write them songs ^w^ They would be amazing songs~
Favorite pairings: Aoi/Seika but I also like Teruki/Inzargi. xD And Aoi/Kazuma would be cute too. HI I'M AOI AND I AM CUTE IN MOST CRACK PAIRINGS
Least favorite pairings: Most of them involving Yomi because I'm stupid for including him. I love him dearly but he wasn't right for this type of meme, I think. xDD Probably should have done Tatsuha
hyacinthdreams who is Denu :O I figure you have excellent taste in music so I should look into this