Mar 30, 2008 10:59
Omg, Harajuku was an intense experience. And tiring.
...Actually it was mostly just intense at the very beginning and very end, and kind of meh the rest of the time, but it was always tiring :3 But the beginning and the end were SO A MILLION TIMES WORTH IT
I'm dividing it into sections to keep me from ranting.
Getting there
All dressed up in our lolita, we headed over to the bridge where some massive amount of people wanted our picture. We stood there for probably 10 minutes, just having this crowd of people come up and take our picture. I guess we were cute.
Takeshita Dori
We searched a long time for Takuya Angel, but couldn't find it. In the end, we overestimated this street and it's shopping potential. Aside from the Closet Child and Gothic & Lolita, the only place we really bought anything was at the J-Rock stalls/tiny shops at the very beginning. There was a shop full of nothing but random J-Rock/Pop merchandise! Sandra and I got Arashi notepads :3 I also got some cool goggles and a belt for cheap.
It's a whole adventure! After taking our pictures, we had to ask some poor Japanese VK cosplayer what to do next xDD She practically had to shove us into the next booth to get us to realize that you draw on the pictures in a different area from where you take them.
La Foret
First we went downstairs to the Like An Edison and bought alice nine., Gazette, and Bergerac singles. Then we went over to the Putumayo, where I tried on some pants, went to buy them...and realized my debit card had been shut down because no one had bothered to tell my bank I was going to be making large purchases in Japan. So Sandra's mom paid for them (I will be paying her back xD;) and we went to Angelic Pretty. But our feet hurt too bad, so we went to get burgers and then headed back for the train.
On the way back, we decided to make one last try for Takuya Angel. We walked down the last possible side road with a crepe stand at the corner (you'd be surprised at how many there are)...and saw the telltale Elvis statue! We hurried up the stairs to find the store...
and we walked in...and standing right in the entrance, grinning at us as we walked in, was DJ Sisen.
If you don't know who this guy is, go google him or wikipedia or whatever RIGHT NOW. He is amazing amazing amazing and Sandra and I have been stalking him on the interwebs for weeks and weeks pouring over pictures of him. We love Sisen~~
So of course to see him just standing there like ":D hi" in Takuya Angel was like O_O AHGIHOIFSDGH
Sandra leans over and whispers, " that...?" and I was like "o____o yah" and she looks up at him and goes, "...Sisen...?" and he replies, ":D Hai"
At which point we erupted into volcanoes of fangirl. We were like ":DDDD can we get a picture?" and he was like, "Yeah!!" So we took pictures with him. HE'S SO CUTE OMGGG I don't even care that I'm ranting, every single detail is very important!! xD But when we held up the camera he'd suddenly just break out in this intense Sisen pose, and then while we'd be standing there waiting for the camera, he'd just randomly giggle and then have to re-pose because he'd been laughing. He laughed when I was standing there trying to fit my bags onto the tiny table so I could go take a picture. And he laughed whenever Sandra and I would pose, and he laughed when we'd switch spots (when I switched with Sandra, he went, "xDD CHANGE!") and he laughed when I moved Sandra so he was in the middle of our group picture. And then he reaches into his bag and goes, "Boku camera!" and pulls out HIS camera to take a picture with us. We were like ":DDD"
He looked at Sandra's My Melody purse and ring and said, "Ahh, Maimero!" and Sandra said she collected it and he said, "I like Kuromi :3"
Then we got him to sign some pieces of paper from Sandra's My Melody notebook (which amused him when she pulled it out), and decided to actually look around the (very very small) shop. For the record, the shop is like the size of a bedroom xD And packed with awesome Takuya Angel clothes. The whole time, he was totally hyper!! He was picking up things to show us, and laughing and asking questions like where we were from and being a dork (like putting a weird baseball cap with like...traffic cones on it on Sandra's mom). And when we were looking at the things on the shelf, he did a little dorky dance to the music that was playing xD he's so cute!!!
Then he rung us up (he asked if I wanted a black or pink bag, and I said pink and he laughed and said, "yappari...") and gave us stuff :D
It's a thing in Japanese stores (at least, the nice ones) that when someone buys something, the shop-person walks them to the front of the store, bows, thanks them, and gives them their stuff. Sisen gave us our stuff, then when he saw we were leaving, he was like "AH!" and ran out from behind the counter so he could walk us to the door! But we were the ones bowing and thanking him xD; Then he walked out of the store to watch us walk down the stairs, and he said, "Bye! Take care!" and we were like ">w< byeeee!"
Ah...I forget when xD but at some point, Sandra said "thank you," and he replied, "Welcome. *pause* Japan."
He's so cute. I might die. But not until after I see Gazette on Wednesday.
Yahhhh :D
We took the wrong exit out of the station, so it took us a ton of walking to get there on my already dead feet. Thought about Sisen and talked about him and ate some good tofu and really good beef and then some pudding :D Which was also really really good!
(ALSO for lunch I had green soda. Just FYI)
*passes out from exhaustion*