Title: The Crazy Misadventures of the Callaway Brothers Pt3
Genre: Drama/Adventure/Friendship/Humor/Angst and pretty much anything in between as the chapters progress.
Characters/Pairing(s): G. House, J. Wilson/ Extreme Friendship
Spoilers/Warnings: post-series finale. Mild cursing, drug-use and adult situations. (In some chapters)
Summary: House and Wilson take on the hill. This time there are no Oreos involved.
-Pt 3-
Wilson was curled up on the lumpy mattress, half asleep. He was pretty sure he still had an hour left to sleep in. But the sounds of a long-stick-like object tapping on his back through the blanket proved otherwise.
He finally decided to remove the blanket from over his head. Rolling on his back, he blinked his vision into focus and was now facing House or James… Whatever his name was-Wilson was ready to punch him, and throw his pesky cane out the window.
"Still dying?" House asked dryly.
Wilson stretched and took in a deep pained breath, "Yeah…" He replied, clutching his aching chest for a moment. "You're still dead?"
House looked around him and outside the window. No police, no parole officers, "Still dead…"
This was their lovely morning routine. Some would bid good morning, some would ask their friends how are they were doing. But for House and Wilson, "Good morning" seemed rather redundant at this point.
"You're ready to do this?" House asked as he kept packing miscellaneous objects into a backpack.
Wilson pressed his eyebrows and studied the older man for a moment, "Judging by your energy level you've been awake for a while…" he said while slipping into a clean t-shirt, "And judging by your 'limpy' yet steady gait… You're probably under the influence of at least 3 of my pain meds…"
"Just one of the many perks of having a terminal BFF…" Said House as he happily showed off another little white pill, which he quickly threw in his mouth and dry swallowed.
"Hey hey… I need those y'know…" Wilson said, suppressing a yawn.
House rolled his eyes, "Didn't mommy teach you how to share?" He pulled five different rattling orange pill bottles out of the pockets of his utility jacket and threw them on Wilson's lap. "Happy?" he asked, faking bitterness.
Wilson looked down to his lap, "Ecstatic… Just what I wanted for breakfast…" he answered dryly.
"I also got you some Froot-Loops!"
The small sample-sized cereal box flew right into Wilson's lap.
"Eat up, drug up…" House swung one backpack on his shoulder and pushed the other one towards Wilson, "We leave in 15 minutes…"
The climb was long and hard, they've made many stops along the way to hydrate, eat something and take in the sounds of nature. It wasn't until they were almost at the very top that the monotone sound of breathing was cut off.
"Hey… Stop…!"
House turned around. Wilson was a few steps behind him and was now dropping his backpack and slowly lowering himself to the ground.
"What are you doing?" House asked taking a few steps towards Wilson who was now leaning against a shaded tree, panting rather heavily.
"Just a little bit more to the top, c'mon!" House tried to urge his friend.
"I eh… I, I can't…" Wilson managed to spit out through a series of pained breaths.
"This was your stupid idea…" House spat out while kicking a tiny rock with his cane, "I had to load up on so many of your pain pills in order to do this, I can't even feel my feet, and don't get me started on m…."
Wilson looked pale and clammy, his breathes short and shallow and a pained look was now spreading across his face. House sighed, finally accepting that it might be a good idea to assess Wilson's current situation.
Leaning on one knee, House gave Wilson a quick look-through. "Come on, Wilson…" He finally said.
Wilson opened one eye and peeked at House, confused.
"If you won't do this now…"
"I'm dying… House…" Wilson croaked. He still maintained a shaky hand on his chest but sounded slightly better.
"Yeah…" House replied sadly, "But not today."
Wilson took in another sharp breath, "Stop stealing my pills, ok?"
"Ok…" House nodded.
Wilson sighed heavily, "I don't know if I can do this House…"
"It's James…"
"There's no one around," Wilson argued, "Who cares?"
House pushed himself up and extended a hand down to Wilson.
"Come on…" He said, "Let's just get to the top of the hill today and tomorrow you can go back to being sick and dying and I can go back to not stealing pills and managing my pain like a reasonable adult…"
The view was breathtaking, the air was crisp and House and Wilson sat at the edge of the hill, each nursing a lukewarm beer in their hand.
"So, was it worth it?" House asked as he took another sip of his beer.
Wilson closed his eyes and let the clean windy scent of pine fill his nostrils.
"Yeah. It was…"
They sat there, for who knows how long, just savoring the moment without a care in the world.
"Well…" Wilson finally said, "We're going to have to go down eventually… How do you plan on doing this?"
House looked down at his aching thigh and then back at Wilson, "I was thinking I would just roll you down the hill and use you as a human sled…"
Wilson shrugged, looking rather impressed, "Solid plan…" he raised his can of beer in a toast;
"To climbing the hill…"
"And more importantly…" House retorted, "To making it down…before coyotes eat us…"