Sep 21, 2008 09:30
Because I'm not retaking the SATs, that gives me time for... *dun dun dun* Japanese! But its really hard without someone actively being there to teach me. The internet is there of course, but it doesn't give back as much as I put in. It takes ages to find a decent learning site only to find out that I already know most of the information. My Japanese-English dictionary seems to have more information about the different conjugations and whatnot, but for some bizarre reason, I can't get the thought that "my dictionary is lying" out of my head. (There, fixed. ^^) I know this is comepletely irrational thinking, but I can't help it.
In other news, I'm going to LFCC for the spring semester. *dies* This is not to increase my grade point average, though that is a plus. It's so I have something to DO. I'm so fricking bored. Even if I take just 1 class, I'll be happy. And if that one class happens to be some form of art, then great! I did a drawing the other day, and I thought it was good. It was a bit abstract, with a river turning into a cave over a forest with a little thatched hut. But I made the mistake of drawing a crab in the river, and that subtracted from the entire piece. Sure there were other animals in the picture (fish, a turtle, and a salamander) but the crab doesn't belong in fresh water. How was I supposed to know? =_=