Besides the # entries/comments received/posted meme which I did a few entries back, here are some others that I thought of:
- How prolific are you at commenting? (# comments posted/received) If this number is greater than one, then you give more than you get. If not, then the reverse is true. :P
In my case (as of today), I've posted 1,978 comments and received 1,722, so that works out to a ratio of 1.149 comments posted for each comment received. I guess this means I give a lot? ^^;;;
- (This is only applicable to those who tag their entries) How many tags do you have, and how often are your top 5 public tags used? Go to
Tags Management and click to view tags by usage (sorted in descending order).
In my case (again as of today), I have 137 tags, and the top 5 public tags are:
life (202 public, 1 private, 13 friends and 78 custom groups for a total of 294 entries with this tag)
random (210 public, 2 friends and 2 custom groups for a total of 214 entries)
university (119 public, 7 custom for 126)
music (75 public, 2 custom for 77)
debating (69 public)
And for a twist, I also included the 5 least-used public tags (excluding those that have only been used once and tags with the same frequency of usage):
citizenship (2 public)
blogging (3 public)
camera (4 public)
visa (4 public, 1 custom)
weather (6 public)
Interestingly enough, there's a jump from the tags that have been used 10 times (
relocation and
health) 11 times (
curious) to the tags that have been used 16 times (
exams and
nyanko in green).
cats has only been used as a tag 17 times. That needs to change and I hope it will. ^^;;
Sorry for all the spam today~