Our decisions on what fandom we would immersing in for ENC3930 / Fandom Studies was due today, but I had already picked from the first day of class. I'm going to be working in Nabari no Ou, an average-sized manga/anime fandom. I picked Nabari for this class because 1) I am already within the fandom (though lately not very active) and 2) it is big enough to find other fans easily but small enough to not be lost in a crowd.
As for what approach I will be using, I am going with the "Fan-Critic-Producer" approach which involves:
* writing at least 3000 words of fanfiction
* creating a piece of fanart
* creating a fanvideo
* writing a critical analysis of each segment of the project
I'm not worried about the fanfiction part. I plan to continue a 100 drabble challenge that I started a couple of years ago and never finished. (I got 15 drabbles in. I plan on editing and reposting those drabbles to this account before continuing with the fresh fic.) I'm excited for this part of the project. I used to be a very active fic writer, but in recent years I've lost motivation for any kind of creative writing. I'm hoping that having my grade on the line will jump start my fanfic juices again.
However, the fanart and fanvideo part are going to be tricky for me-- I've never produced either of those. In the case of videos, I feel completely in over my head. I know what I want to make, but I currently have no idea of how to make it. I'm hoping that the internet will prove to be very instructive in the art of video editing.