Jul 21, 2010 12:08
[This video starts with a shot of a random corner of the Cherry Grove City Pokemon center, followed by the sound of a bit of screeching and the camera being whipped in all directions before ending up on a shot of Nuku Nuku's face that takes a moment to focus]
Everyone! Guess what! I was out training with Meowth last night and I caught my first Poke--
[There's a sudden jolt, and now the camera is showing the rather uninteresting ceiling.]
-- hey! Squeaky! You can't do that, OK? That's a bad bat! Very bad! No!
[The camera is readjusted again and Nuku Nuku looks slightly frazzled.]
Sorry! He's very playful! Uh... he has no eyes, though. How does he see? This place confuses me so much sometimes.
Oh! Yeah! Wanna see?
[The camera is flipped around, showing a Zubat swooping in to bother her ever grumpy Meowth. He swats at the bat halfheartedly while trying to take a nap.]
His name is Squeaky!
cherry grove city