Title: 003. Blindfolds Rating: PG Pairing: Hankyung/Yehsung Archive: 004/100 Notes: Inspired by the blindfold activity in EHB that they never really showed *sadsad* A bit angsty, but not too much.
Lovely. The paradoxes were great, and created a lonely, but nice feel.
... And the brush of feather soft hair accompanied by the scent of coffee and strawberry shampoo stolen from Sungmin's collection of bathing accessories.
That would have to be my favorite part of the whole fic. The description was amazing, and it provided lovely imagery. Great job. :D
Comments 8
Oh btw, what's the blindfold thing in EHB about? What episode? ^^
beautiful. ♥
so deep......beautiful!! <333
... And the brush of feather soft hair accompanied by the scent of coffee and strawberry shampoo stolen from Sungmin's collection of bathing accessories.
That would have to be my favorite part of the whole fic. The description was amazing, and it provided lovely imagery. Great job. :D
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