Jan 15, 2011 23:51
Alright, gotta rant for a little bit.
So, I don't really watch TV anymore. If there's something I want to see, I usually catch it online streaming. A huge thumbs up to networks that stream full episodes of their shows on their site, by the way.
So, this show, "Beyond Scared Straight" has been all the talk recently, so I decided to watch an episode. It was about teenage girls doing bad things and getting into trouble with the law, so their parents decide to send them to a program where they spend a day in prison, where they get yelled at by scary looking woman (who suddenly turn all dere near the end of the show, lol).
A lot of the excuses these girls provided for their behavior was that they stole and beat people up and did drugs and got drunk and partied all the time was because they didn't have a father figure in their life.
I think this is absolute BS. This is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. Your father doesn't love you or doesn't live with you anymore or doesn't call you anymore, so to make up for it, you're going to go out and fight another girl for some stupid reason or steal someone else's Nintendo or go get drunk? What??
I think the last time I've ever had any contact with my father was when I was about 7 years old. I remember what he looked like, but that was when he was in his late 20s or early 30s. If I saw him today, like walking down the street (a fear of mine, actually; I think it would be better if we never met again) or something, I probably wouldn't recognize him. At least not right off the bat. We think he still lives in New York, probably in Queens. I don't think he's dead, I think we'd get like a letter from somebody or something if he had died.
I don't hate my father, because that would be like hating someone you don't really know. But this is the same man who used to give my mother black eyes, the same man who suggested my mother get an abortion when she was pregnant with my sister (as much as I can't stand my sister), who blew smoke in my mother's face. I was probably too young to understand, or simply just not paying attention at the time, but apparently, he said that he didn't care if my sister and I lived or died, right while we were in the same room as him and my mother!
So the first man in my life rejected me pretty much since birth. I am not sure if it's appropriate to say that he hates me, but he sure as heck never loved me. But miraculously, this did not cause me to go out at midnight, get drunk, get high, shoplift, beat classmates up, attend/throw wild parties, or become a whore by the age of 13! WOW!
I don't get it, I really don't get it. What a sissy excuse. I would have been more sympathetic if neither parent loved these girls, but they've all got at least one parent who gives a crap and is trying to help them, so I really don't see the problem. Instead of them attempting to be rational and think, "Oh, hey, my father doesn't care about me, so let's not make my mother cry anymore; let me go to school and get a good job and become financially well off so my mother will be proud," they instead think, "well, my father hates me so let me call my mother a whore and slap her!" That's just so pathetic and sad to me.
this is an outrage!,
just something i noticed,