Challenge 32 is due next Friday, April 3rd! This time, your challenge is the episode "The Triangle"!
So far, there are 3 submissions!
Today, I was feeling nostalgic, and looked at my old comm
miami_menstills (dead now). I looked around, and reminisced about the challenges we did, and the icons I made. It was nice (and embarrassing). But! Then I remembered that we used to do Monthly Challenges!
Now, I realize our regular challenges are already bi-weekly, but I want to do special Monthly Challenges here too! Here are the two monthly challenges we did at m_ms:
Character Challenge, and
Episode Challenge.
As you can see, we would do it more like a icon claim community rather than an icon challenge community. The voting always changed, too, but we did vote for the top three, the honorable mention, mod favourites, and I'll include the special categories too, if there are enough entries. Plus, we voted on YOUR best icon, in an effort to tell you which style we liked best out of your icons.
Poll Now, to be honest, this is just a curiosity poll! But if I get enough yeses, I'll definitely try my best to get one up every month!