
Mar 27, 2020 12:20

Под предлогом борьбы с вирусом и рецессией происходит совершенно беспрецедентное блядство. Я уверен, что список примеров может занять несколько страниц см. What does all this shit have to do with anything?, но вот пока creme de la creme:

It’s not all relatively small-ticket items, either; the Postal Service got $25 billion, plus $11 billion worth of debt forgiveness and $15 billion in new borrowing authority, which is real money even by congressional standards. The bill included a major bailout of underfunded multi-employer pension plans that coal miners, Teamsters and other labor groups have been pushing for years, as well as a $10,000-per-borrower reduction in student loan debt.

The Federal Reserve's balance sheet surpassed $5 trillion for the first time as the coronavirus threat drove major liquidity operations.

The central bank added $586 billion worth of assets in the week ended March 25, according to a Thursday release, bringing its total holdings to $5.3 trillion.

Treasury and mortgage-backed securities accounted for $355 billion in Fed purchases, arriving days after the bank lifted its limit for asset buying.

Я не знаю почему у них неделя кончается в среду, но покупки разнообразных investment grade debts (my ass) на $586 billion за неделю объясняют почему рынок пер наверх как на дрожжах. Кстати, хотя они (пока ещё?) не покупают акции, но кредитные ETFs таки покупают.

Generally, individuals are paid half of their weekly wages based on earnings from the previous four quarters. In January 2020, unemployed workers were paid an average of $385 per week, and most benefits lasted 26 weeks, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Under the new stimulus package, workers will be paid an additional $600 per week on top of what they would normally receive for up to four months until July 31. Once that additional federal assistance is exhausted, they will continue to receive their normal benefit amount, administered by their state.

Значит (385+600)/40 ~= 25. Почти $25 в час за то чтобы ничего не делать, из них $15 вне всякой зависимости с прошлыми заработками и выплатами налогов. Да у нас десятки миллионов людей работают изо всех сил за меньшие деньги. Собс-но почти все работники сферы обслуживания, которых мы встречаем по жизни - в магазинах, ресторанах и т.д. Какой идиот пойдет обратно на работу до 31 июля когда Конгресс шикарно оплатил им отпуск?! Stimulus my ass!

Повбивав бы, ей богу.

политика, рынок

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