Многие сигмы - многие печали

Mar 18, 2020 17:48

Goldman’s CFO David Viniar created one of the more memorable memes of the GFC period:

On 13 August 2007, The Financial Times reported Viniar's explanation of why two large hedge funds managed by Goldman Sachs had both lost over a quarter of their value in a week, requiring the injection of $3 billion to support them.[9] Viniar ascribed the events to a series of exceptional events: “We were seeing things that were 25 standard deviation moves, several days in a row”.[10]

Stop here and think. How likely do you think is the 25-sigma event under Normal distribution?

Even people who immediately realized that the notion of a 25-sigma event is ridiculous couldn’t intuitively estimate the actual probability themselves. Here's one quote:

According to Goldman’s mathematical models, August, Year of Our Lord 2007, was a very special month. Things were happening that were only supposed to happen once in every 100,000 years. Either that … or Goldman’s models were wrong.

In reality, under Normal distribution, a 25 sigma event happens once in 10^135 years.

Я это к не к тому вспомнил чтобы посмеяться над дураком Винни (а чего смеяться если он мульти-миллионер, а я оффисный раб и нищеброд), а к тому что за последние несколько дней я дважды услышал о 12-сигма событии где-то в глубине кредитных рынков. (Один раз от вроде бы уважаемого банковского аналитика, а в другой раз от приятеля.) И опять с печальными последствиями для тех, кто думал, что такого быть не может.


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