Shit keeps coming

Feb 07, 2025 13:08

На арене следующий важный назначенец Трампа. На сей раз не просто мерзавец как они все или мудак как Кеннеди, а откровенный ебанат и экстремист.

Three years ago, Russell Vought, President Trump’s choice to become director of the Office of Management and Budget, argued that “the stark reality in America is that we are in the late stages of a complete Marxist takeover of the country,” in which “our adversaries already hold the weapons of the government apparatus, and they have aimed it at us.”

В сказке со счастливым концом дальше можно было бы и не продолжать. Санитары, принудительная госпитализация, смирительная рубашка и лечение электрошоком. Но у нас будет не это. Поэтому еще пару цитат для полноты портрета.

“Is There Anything Actually Wrong With ‘Christian Nationalism?’” Какой у него ответ - понятно. Господа евреи, которые за Трампа, вас это не напрягает?

During confirmation hearing, Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, asked him: The impoundment law is the law. Will you follow it or not? You can say that we’re going to look at it and might challenge it in court, but it is the law today. Will you follow that law as director?

Vought: “Senator, the reason why the president ran on this is that 200 years of presidents had this authority to manage taxpayer resources.”
Murray: “You’re telling me why you don’t agree with the law, but the law is the law. Will you follow the law?”

Vought did not answer.

Насрать ему на законы. Тут главное это классовое чутьё. Ес-но, респы очень рады утвердить назначение такого замечательного человека. “He’s going to fly like green grass through a goose,” as Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana put it.

How would Vought cut federal spending? Ес-но, первым делом fuck the poor:

A sampling of the size of Vought’s spending cuts in the first year of reductions: Head Start, $5.4 billion; Low Income Energy Assistance, $3.7 billion; the Department of Housing and Urban Development, $25.8 billion, including $12.8 billion for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance vouchers, better known as Section 8.

Long-term reforms in the center’s budget proposal would cut Medicaid by $1.1 trillion and Medicare by $766 billion over 10 years.

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