Искрометное выступление Такера Карлсона

Apr 11, 2024 14:02

о христианских жертвах израильской агрессии в Газе по ходу интервью с палестинским пастором Исааком

It would be pretty easy for Republicans in the U.S. Congress to say we support the government of Israel. But if you touch a single Christian, harm a single church, prevent any Christian from practicing this religion, you're done. Not a single dollar will come from the U.S. Congress for you. That doesn't seem hard.

вызвало горячую реакцию у американских правых, в частности Каролин Глик:

This is mendacious hit piece that shows Tucker's generally well-hidden hand. The Christian population of Bethlehem all but disappeared after the PLO took over in 1996 due to Islamic persecution. The only Christian population in the Middle East that is growing is the Christian… https://t.co/ucX7B0HXSI
- Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) April 9, 2024

Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak responded with a lengthy thread, commenting of Carlson: "He says he is concerned about Christians; I'll accept that. But there's no excuse for this."

"First, a fact about Bethlehem. Christians used to be a majority there; they are now a minority," Pollak continued. "The Palestinian Authority has been Islamizing the city since taking control of Bethlehem 30 years ago. Israeli 'occupation' is hardly the primary issue."

И т.д. Среди поддержавших звезду правой журналистики можно назвать разве что Candace Owens.


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