How Biden Got From ‘No More Drilling’ to Backing a Huge Project in Alaska

Nov 24, 2023 13:55

As a candidate, Joseph R. Biden promised voters worried about the warming planet “No more drilling on federal lands, period. Period, period, period.” On Monday, President Biden approved an enormous $8 billion plan to extract 600 million barrels of oil from pristine federal land in Alaska.

The distance between Mr. Biden’s campaign pledge and his blessing on that plan, known as the Willow project, is explained by a global energy crisis, intense pressure from Alaska lawmakers (including the state’s lone Democratic House member), a looming election year and a complicated legal landscape that government lawyers said left few choices for Mr. Biden.

С одной стороны врать нехорошо, с другой стороны - понятно что.

В утренней рассылке от 6 ноября, Таймс отмечает, что Biden seems more focused on avoiding criticism from climate activists than on winning over swing voters who can help re-elect arguably the most climate-friendly president ever.

Similarly, although Biden has since taken steps to reduce the surge of illegal immigration, he rarely emphasizes these popular steps. Again, he seems more focused on progressive activists than on swing voters.

А через год нам выберут Трампа и все будут рассуждать о том, кто виноват.

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