Skips for Session 3

Apr 26, 2010 20:02

Everyone gets one skip for signing up. This post will keep an updated recorded of how many skips each member gets. Remember you get a skip for referring a new member, as well as promoting the community. To get credit for referring a new member, make sure they comment with your username in the sign-up post. To get credit for promoting, comment here with a link to the unlocked post! :)

Skips can be earned when a contestant first signs up. 1 skip will be given upon signing up at post this post and to the community. Another skip may be earned by either referring someone to the community, or promoting it the community in an arena that allows promoting. If someone is referred to ny_lyrical, they must put your name in the comment. If you promote, you must provide a link to the unlocked post. A total of 3 skips will be possible and kept track of here. Skips cannot be used once the competition gets down to 4 members.

Skips: [Used/Has]

01. la_loony  [0/1]
02. erinm_4600  [0/1]
03. chris4short  [0/1]
04. tiah15  [0/1]

skips, session 3

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