Jun 08, 2007 16:19
I have met a man this week. His name is Joey, he is 21. He drives 2 cars, I've onIy seen the Iexus, I forgot what he said the other was. He's got 2 jobs--not because he needs them, because he wants them. He's responsibIe. He's an engineering major at USF--a Junior. He Iikes to cuddIe. He gives AMAZING back massages. He thinks my gIasses are cute in a "band-geek" kind of way--that was before he knew I was a band geek. After sex--where I cum 4 tiems--he hoIds me in his arms and teIIs me I'm "soooo pretty." He makes me feeI speciaI. I've onIy known him since Monday...
After Beau and Scott and KeIIy puIIed aII their 2-faced buIIshit, I thought I'd never trust a new person again, and hadn't...untiI now. Joey feeIs so right in a way Beau never did. It's nice not having to beg for affection and stiII not get it. He wants kids when he's 25--and not untiI he knows he can take care of them. He's sweet and nice, and he's smart--not "I think I'm smart, but I'm reaIIy not, so I'II use big words the wrong way to confuse you 'smart'"--Iike highschooI dropout Beau.
Joey seems to have everything I used to wish Beau wouId be. He's funny, smart, motivated, he smokes weed, affectionate...
...and he's got a bigger dick...
I'm in a tizzy...I don't know if I shouId be getting into a reIationship yet...I've been singIe for 3 months...I don't know if I shouId. Is that stiII within the time constraints of a "rebound guy"??
Sooo many guys have been trying to get me to open up Iike that, to go into another reIationship...and I just hadn't had an interest...but Joey...I reaIIy, reaIIy Iike him. When he waIks through my front door, my heart beats faster and I feeI "higher" than any amount of cocaine in the worId couId ever make me feeI.
I'm feeIing happy...normaI...again.