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Sep 29, 2005 21:48

Oh Please Take Me! I'm Very Random!

Created by mindy72387 and taken 643 times on Bzoink
NameKeriAge19Are you depressed right now?noIf so, why?Are you in a relationship?yesDo you have a cell phone?yesDo you drive?noDid you work today?yesIf so, where do you work?fazolisHow much money do you have on you?no cashWhats in your pocket?nothingLook behind you, whats the first thing you see?towelWhats the last thing you copied? Press Ctrl+Vmy scheduleHow long have you been online?an hourWhat did you eat last?subWhats you favorite store?rossDo you have any jewelry on right now?yesDo you own a car?noHow long can you hold your breath?not a clueCan you swim?yepEvery jumped out of an airplane?nopeEver been to Vegas?noFavorite Comedian?no clueFavorite flavor?Favorite Smell?Whats the most you've spent on a shirt?$15Do you take any medication?noHow old is your mom?39Have any siblings?yesHow many kids do you want?2Do you thnk you'll ever get married?already amWhat time is it?9:35What state do you live in?floridaHave you ever seen an albino person?noLose all your baby teeth?yesEver have braces?noEver been to Wal~Mart?yesWhats the worst TV show?Are you bored?kindaWhy are you taking this?out of amusementDo you have a digital camera?noWhat kind of car do you want?any kindDo you get along with your parents?yesEver meet the president?noEver meet anyone famous?noWho's the worst singer?When did you cry last?monthWhen did you wake up?8 oclockCan you speak french?noAre you shy?a littleDo you have any diseases?nopeEver been in a car wreck?nopeDo you like rollercoasters?yesDid you graduate?yesWhats your favorite website?don't have oneDo you like milk?noWhat super power do you want?i wanna flyWhat's your favorite uncle/aunt name?uncle jayDo you have a boat?noEver get detention?yesIs you door open or closed right now?openAre you listening to music?noAre you alone?noWhats your biggest fear?snakesIs this survey too long?definitelyDo you chew your nails?yesWhat are you wearing?pjsHow many syllables does your full name have?6Whats your favorite month?octoberWhat year were you born?1986Favorite shape?circleEver skinnydip?noAre you a virgin?noWhat is the first thing you see that is red?sweatshirtWhat color is your computer?grayEver go to prom?yesAre you wearing a watch?noWho's your best friend?jrWhat CD is in your CD player?kelly clarksonEver drink an ICEE?yesDo you like cheese cake?yesLeast favorite food?Ever tape your mouth shut?yesWorst dare you've ever done?Is your light on or off?onIs there a fan in the room your in?yesDo you like randomness?yesEver take speedwriting?noCan you skate?yesZodiac Sign?capricornName something that is purple!holly's vanFavorite moment from the past?graduation dayHow old were you when you got your first kiss?16Did you like it?nohow old was the person you kissed? (If you've kissed someone)15Ever wear make up?yesAre you tired?noLast 4 digits of you phone number6467Did you make a new friend today?noAre you satisfied with your life?yes
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That took a realy long time to do.
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