Aug 09, 2006 16:25
I'm sure I'll think of more...
12) No mosquitos.
11) No such thing as full service gas.
10) I rarely saw children in LA...that's the way it should be.
9) No "no turn on red"s.
8) No tolls.
7) "Going to the beach" by pulling over on the side of PCH... not paying $8 parking to hang out at Jones Beach with the ghetto people, or $10 to hang out at Tobay with half your high school graduating class & their brothers.
6) Ghetto people... I miss going days without seeing another white person.
5) 65mph speed limit.
4) Crunchy hair is the territory of Latinas only.
3) The only 2 places you need cash are Pink's and Diddy Reise. Even fucking Chano's takes cards.
2b) TJ's are closer, plentier and carry great alcohol.
2) Being able to buy alcohol at the grocery store, almost 24 hours a day.
1) All the people who are there & not here.