Title: A Little Change page 12
gwynfryd Main Characters: Shida Mirai, Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri, Nakajima Yuto
Guest Characters: Kamiki Ryunosuke, Sakamoto Shougo, Ohgo Suzuka, Kawashima Umika, Inoo Kei, Morimoto Ryutaro, and snippets of the other previous guests. :)
Teaser: I looked at the clock again. It was almost time. I could also feel my tears welling up.
Mirai's POV
"He's one of my favorites." I said, still looking at the sky.
"Well, I figured when we... you know, grew apart, he wouldn't be your favorite anymore." he said, rather awkwardly.
"The plushie doesn't have anything to do with that." I said. It was true, somewhat. The plushie nor the other things he gave me wouldn't be less important just because we 'grew apart.' He wouldn't be less important to me just because I became less important to him. Well, maybe I never was important.
He chuckled.
"I think I can sleep now." I said, after a while.
I wanted to keep walking away, but I knew I needed to say it to him at least.
"I missed this. I missed talking to you." I smiled at him. "I missed you, Ryo-chan."
"Mi-chan." I stopped at his word. I was surprised. He hadn't called me that for ages.
"I missed you, too." He said, walking towards me.
"I love you, Mi-chan."
I can't really explain how it felt.
No words can, I think.
After a while we broke apart. I slowly opened my eyes. I don't even remember that I closed them.
Ryosuke was smiling at me. He was just so handsome.
He rested his forehead against mine and placed his arms over my shoulder.
I felt my face grow hot, but I couldn't help but smile at him as well.
No one spoke. Honestly, I didn't really know what I would say.
We kissed. It felt like a lifetime while it lasted, but somehow I was wishing it went for longer.
I like Ryosuke--no, I love him. I've known that all along, but I was afraid. There was so many reasons why I shouldn't-- we shouldn't. It was very risky, not just for our careers, but for our friendship as well.
But just earlier, he told me those three words.
"I love you." I could still his voice in my head.
And then he pulled me as if wanting to kiss me, but hesitated at the last second.
I was shocked and confused then. But then I saw his eyes.
And then I realized that he, too, was afraid.
But more than our careers and our friendship, I saw through his eyes what I was most afraid of. What we were most afraid of -- rejection.
And then I found myself kissing him. Wanting to prove to him that there was nothing to be afraid of, wanting to prove to myself that everything was well.
And with just that one touch, we change.
I don't know where we stand now, but I'm quite sure we're in the same place.
Suddenly the door burst open and I was distracted. Ryosuke and I looked to the direction of the door to find Kamiki and Shougo there.
"GOMEN NASAI!" They said together, simultaneously bowing.
Their voices stirred both Suzuka and Yuto up.
I looked back at Ryosuke and he smiled. Taking my hand, we both moved towards our friends. Chinen also stood up, as Yuto and Suzuka sat up from our 'futon'.
"Yokatta, you're here at last." Umika said, looking relieved. "What happened?"
"Well, we've done plan A. We've send sensei a mail, but it seems he's not coming back." Shougo said as both him and Miki entered the room.
"What happened here?" Miki asked in turn.
"Inoo-san and Morimoto-kun is trying to rebuild the machine." Umika explained. Unconsciously, she looked back to the clock. She had been doing so every few minutes. It was already passed eight.
I saw Miki, who had followed Umika's gaze, frown at the clock.
"How many more hours?" Miki asked, looking at Chii.
"Till midnight." Chinen said promptly.
I felt Ryosuke's grip tighten. I squished it back. He looked at me and I smiled at him, trying to reassure him.
"Kamiki-kun." Inoo-san suddenly called.
"Ah, Hai!" Miki said, a bit surprised at being called.
"Can you hold this a bit while I solder it?" Inoo-san asked, not looking away from his work.
"Hai!" Miki said, quickly moving forward to Inoo-san.
"Sakamoto-senpai, I also need help with this." Morimoto said this time.
"Hai, what should I do?" Shougo asked, also moving forward.
"I'm trying to find the pair for this." Morimoto said, raising a sort of metal. "It's the base of the machine."
I smiled as the boys worked. We'll be okay. I can't imagine the boys will fail.
I moved forward to where I could better see the boys work. Ryosuke moved with me. Our other friends also followed.
"I can't wait to be back to normal." Chinen said
I looked at him. He was looking at Inoo-san and the others with a small smile.
That was the most reassuring words I heard, especially coming from Chii. He is, after all, the one in most danger.
He looked back at me and smiled. But then his expression changed into that of surprise.
He looked down, and I realized Ryosuke was still holding my hand. I tried to let go, but Ryosuke didn't seem to want to. I could feel my face heat up.
I saw Chinen smile triumphantly, but he didn't comment.
Just then, I found myself yawning. I suddenly felt tired. Well, I supposed I should be exhausted, from everything that happened today. I can't really believe it's just one day. First class period seems so long ago.
"You should sleep. You look tired." Ryosuke said from my side.
I looked at him and nodded, smiling.
This time I heard Chinen snickered. I also saw Suzuka and Yuto looked simultaneously at Ryosuke and me and then at our clasped hands, and then they shared a significant look.
"Suzu-chan, let's go to sleep, ne?" I said before anyone of them could comment.
Suzuka smiled meaningfully at me and nodded, moving towads me.
I moved towards her as well and Ryosuke hesitantly released my hand.
When we were close enough, Suzuka whispered. "I don't think you need me, though. I think you can cuddle to Yamada-kun instead." She said in a teasing voice.
I am thankful she didn't say this out loud but honestly, does it really needs to be mentioned?
"Yes, I need you. Let's go to sleep." I just said, though I'm quite sure I'm blushing.
She giggled but followed me as I went towards our 'futon'.
"Hai, hai..." she said, "I'll let it go since you really look tired. But you owe me an explanation once we're back to normal." She said, also yawning.
'When we're back to normal...' I like the sound of that.
I rolled my eyes at her as I sat down our futon, arranging the 'pillows' Nozomi-chan made for us.
Suzuka lied down besides me and as she did, I moved myself closer to her and cuddled. Suzu-chan is so soft~
It really feels nice to lie down. I am really so exhausted.
I heard Suzuka giggled.
I opened my eyes and looked at her in question.
She smiled at me. "You look so happy Mirai-chan." She said, no malice in her voice.
I couldn't help but smile back. I am happy.
"Well, let's go to sleep now. When we wake up, we'll finally be able to return to normal."
I felt someone gently tapping on my side.
Slowly, I opened my eyes.
It was to see Ryosuke's face swimming before me.
He smiled as I uttered his nickname. He looked excited.
I blinked, trying to rid the sleep off me. "What happened?" I asked.
"They've finished it!" He said, excitement filling his voice. "We can go back now!"
I sat up at that, eyes wide. Automatically, my eyes went to the clock.
10.30 PM. We're still safe.
Ryosuke help me stand up. Now I see our other friends by the table's edge. Inoo-san and the others on the other hand were setting up the machine by the front of the laboratory. The machine looks just the way it did before. They really did it. We're safe. We're coming back.
I looked back at Ryosuke, smiling in relief. He smiled back and took my hand, squishing it in reassurance.
"Well, let's try it now. On a chair first." Inoo-san instructed.
The other three boys nodded and I saw Shougo get one of the monoblocks.
He set it up in front of the machine and moved away.
Inoo-san pressed some buttons on the machine, looking very nervous.
I saw Morimoto-san nod at him in encouragement and as if that was the cue, Inoo-san pressed the red button.
There was a flash of light.
And suddenly, there was an explosion.
I found myself clinging to Ryosuke at the surprise. What happened?
I looked at the chair and found that it was shred to pieces. The machine had cause the chair to explode!
"What happened?" Kamiki asked Inoo-san.
I saw Umika looked at the clock once more and then at Chii, looking worried.
"Inoo-san... we need to hurry... what's wrong with the machine?"
But Inoo-san seems not to be listening to any of them. He was holding the machine's blueprint, reading frantically.
We all waited.
Suddenly he said, "This. This is the problem. Where is this piece?"
Umika, Shougo, Morimoto and Miki all went behind Inoo-san.
"What is it?" Morimoto asked.
"A diamond." Inoo-san answered. "We need to install it inside the laser of the machine, or else well.. you saw what happened with the chair." He said grimly.
"But there was no diamond in the pieces!" Umika said, panickly.
"The rooftop. We might have left it in the rooftop!" Shougo said and at once all of the boys rushed out. Surely they'll be looking for it in the rooftop.
It's already been an hour and the boys still hasn't returned.
We're running out of time.
I looked at Chinen. He was trying to calm Umika, who was already crying with worry. I felt so useless. I don't really know what to do anymore. I don't want to imagine what will happen if we didn't make it in time.
Suddenly, Umika sat up.
"Diamond? I have diamond! Baka-Umika!" She said, and then she took off her ring. It was the ring Chinen gave her. "I'll go call them!" Umika said, standing up and rushing out.
In no time, the boys were back. Inoo-san immediately went towards the light, Umika's ring in his hand.
I saw him shook his head in defeat.
"What is it?" Yuto asked loudly.
"We can't use this." Inoo-san said. "This is a synthetic diamond. We need a natural diamond. Natural diamond is clear. This one's yellow. It means it have some nitrogenous impurities. Impurities may totally change the effect of the machine." He explained, looking frustrated.
Umika burst out crying.
I looked at the clock again. It was almost time. I could also feel my tears welling up.
And then it hit me. 'Natural diamond is clear.'
"I have diamond!!" I shouted. "A natural one!"
My friends all looked at me.
"Where?" Kamiki asked, urgently.
"My bag!" I answered right away.
He was out the room as my words got out and he was back in no time, carrying my bag.
He roughly went in front of our table.
"There's a purse in my bag pocket. It's in there." I instructed.
Hastily, he opened my bag pocket and took out my purse.
"It's a butterfly pendant. There's a diamond engraved on it." I said.
Ryosuke looked at me at this words but I ignored him.
Miki took out all the things inside the purse, searching frantically. Part of me was quite embarrassed at this. That purse contains all my treasured things. My family's and friend's gifts and memorabilia, pictures of the people I love, and every little thing Ryosuke had given me. This includes the Minnie Mouse cellphone strap, the ticket to one of their concert, a picture of just the two of us, and the butterfly pendant. It was Ryosuke's birthday gift to me two years ago.
It felt as if I was baring my soul at the moment but I knew it wasn't the time, it was Chii's life on the line.
When Miki finally found it, he gave it to Inoo-san immediately. Inoo-san inspected it under the light.
He smiled. "We can use this."
I sighed in relief. I looked at the clock again. It was only a quarter to 12. We're running out of time.
"Ryuu. Open the machine." Inoo-san instructed as he removed the pendant from the chain.
Ryuu worked as he told and I watched as Inoo-san installed teh pendant on the machine.
Ten minutes to midnight.
"Let's test it out." Inoo-san said. Shougo as before, put a monoblock in front of the machine.
Setting up the machine, Inoo-san's hand went to the red button. I saw him hesitate. And then Morimoto, too, placed his hand on the button, over Inoo-san's hand. They nodded at each other, and the two of them pressed the button.
There was a flash of light. I prayed as I closed me eyes at the brightness.
There was no explosion.
Slowly, I opened my eyes.
The chair shrunk! We did it!
I saw Inoo-san and Morimoto exchanged relieve smiles. Next thing, they test out returning the chair to its original size.
It did. We really did it. We've fixed the machine.
"Chii! You next!" Inoo-san said. Immediately, Umika took Chii and placed him in front of the machine.
Five minutes till midnight.
Inoo-san arranged the machine and slowly pushed the button.
Another flash of light.
As the flash faded, I could see it.
I cried as I looked at the normal-sized Chinen. We were successful. And Chinen is safe now! We're all safe now!
I felt someone take my hand.
I smiled up at him. He smiled back.
"Look what I found the other day on the rooftop. Cool ne?" I heard Nishii said as I passed their table. I was in the cafeteria.
"Is that... a diamond?" I heard Morimoto said, outrage, "So you took it!!!!! I MIGH KILL YOU!!!!!!"
"Woah, man, what did I do????"
I couldn't help but giggle at the scene.
"You're not attending practice AGAIN????" I heard Chielu exclaimed as I pass their table.
"I'm really sorry!" I saw Yuto said, bowing low at Chielu and their other band mates. "I'll make it up to you, I swear! It's our first date! Have mercy!" Yuto said and I saw the other band member snigger. Well, all except for Chielu.
Chielu glared at him for a moment more and then sighed. "Be thankful I love Suzuka-chan." She finally said.
"Ehh?? He can go with Suzuka but I can't go with Non-chan??" I heard Shougo said.
"That's for escaping during our last practice!"
Just then, I saw Suzuka waved at me from our table. I smiled at her and made my way to them.
It's been three days since what happened. And it's as if everything was back to normal.
Well, no one except us knew what happened.
Takuo-senesi was fired. No, we didn't tell. But it was sort of our fault cause we left the lab door open (not on purpose) and the janitor reported to the principal the erm, activities sensei had been doing there. And as most of his 'invention' were not tested (understatement of the year) or proven safe, the school had to make the choice of firing him. Firstly, because he had been using school property for private benefits and without permission, and secondly, because he put his inventions and interests first before the student's safety.
I saw Mariya glare at me as I pass her and her cronies' table. Well, that wasn't knew, and I'm very used to it, so as usual, I just ignored her. I noticed the glare was more murderous, though. I wonder why? Haha. Okay, I'm being sarcastic here, but it's not a crime is it?
I ignored her and sat down our table, smiling at the best people you could meet here in Horikoshi: my friends, of course. What is Mariya's glare if I could see all my love ones smiling at me?
It wasn't really a big thing, whatever she does. And frankly, I can tell you I thoroughly appreciate the word 'big' and 'small.'
Everything was back to normal or everything was normal. That might be what other people think.
But to us, everything changed.
"Ahhh... I feel so sleepy." Chinen said, trying to keep his eyes open. "Wish I could shrink and sleep on a handkerchief or something." He said.
"Don't joke about that!" Umika chided, frowning at him. Nozomi was also shaking her head at him.
He shrugged and chuckled. "But Umi-chan's hand is soft. It's comfy to sleep there." He said.
Umika shook her head disapprovingly but gave a small smile.
"Uwah!" Yuto suddenly exlaimed, apppearing from my back.
I looked at him sharply, he was looking down at something.
"Jeez, that demon cat will forever haunt me." He said, shuddering and then went and sit next to Suzuka.
"Chielu said I can go." Yuto said.
Suzuka just smiled, blushing a bit. They aren't going out. Not yet, at least. But just yesterday Suzuka had asked Yuto if he could go out and eat with her tomorrow as her thanks for taking care of her when she was sick. Yuto had happily (and giddily) said he'd love to.
As for me... Well, what do you guys think?
"What time are you leaving?" I asked Ryosuke, besides me. They have recording for Shokura today.
"After fourth period." He said. "Inoo-chan is fetching the four of us."
"That's new." I said. "Isn't Inoo-san busy?"
He shrugged. "I think he developed maternal instincts after what happened." He said with a chuckle.
I giggled as well. "Well, I can't blame him. What happened was seriously frigthening."
He nodded. "But I can't help but be thankful for what happened anyway."
I smiled.
"I guess at that size, we could see the bigger picture better." He continued to say.
I nodded at that.
"It showed us the little things we never considered important." I said.
He pursed his lips at me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Well, I never considered you unimportant." He said.
I laughed.
"Me neither." I said, shrugging. "But when I see you with Yuto or Jingi or Hayato, I do think of you as 'little.'" I teased.
He pouted at me. I giggled. He smiled after a while.
A small twitch of both our lips, our little fingers making the smallest touch, and my heart producing tiny beats...
These small details can't be observed at once.
But they are what makes the bigger picture.
Our bigger picture.
-i hope that was fine~
-thanks for letting me participate in this fic... :)