(no subject)

Dec 12, 2004 21:43

(1) Name: Erin
(2) Straight/gay/bi: straight
(3) Single: nooo
(5) Your birth day: August 3
(6) Age you act: not sure? depends on my mood :)
(7) Age you wish you were: 20
(9) The color of your eyes: brown....bleh.
(10) Happy with it: nah
(11) The color of your hair: dark brown
(12) Happy with it: yahh
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous: right
(14) Your living arrangement: mom-dad-sister-cat-dog...awh :)
(32) Obsessions: hum, i like hands? is that weird?
(35) Do you speak another language: i suck at spanish so ill just say no.

DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
(38) Do you live in the moment: yes
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others: mmm no! sucka!
(40) Do you have any secrets: tons :x
(41) Do you hate yourself: when im really stupid yes
(42) Do you like your handwriting: bleh. no!
(43) Do you have any bad habits: uhhh...biting my nails?
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called: When Will This Movie Be Over?
(46) What's your biggest fear: looking over at a window and seeing a weird guy there!!! ahhh!
(45) Can you sing: i try to, my shower likes it....ee!
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool: hell no
(50) If you were another person, would you be friends with you: no, im too cool for myself dammit.
(51) Are you a daredevil: i like to pretend.
(54) Are you passive or aggressive: agressive to most....passive to more personal things
(55) Have you got a ?: where the ef did my mom put my barbie school lunch box from kindergarden....not cool mom. not cool.
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself: a good left arm.
(58)There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose: love
(59) How do you vent: kel, kait...
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong: mmm sure.
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life: ha. too many
(62) Do you think life has been good so far: eh' i hope it gets better
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life: trust no one
(64) What do you like the most about your body: ahhh...my big toe? god i dont know!
(65) And least: uh, my heighttt
(66) Do you think you are good looking: who asks that..really though. haha
(67) Are you confident: nah
(69) Do people know how you feel: not many
(70) Are you perceived wrongly: who knows
(71) Smoke: no
(72) Do drugs: only after my surgery hahaha!!
(73) Read the newspaper: at times
(74) Pray: yes
(75) Go to church: yes
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you: yes
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals: awh...
(78) Take walks in the rain: and dance in it!!!
(79) Talk to people even though you hate them: yeah :x

(82) Liked your voice: no
(83)a Cut yourself: no
(83)b Burnt yourself: yes
(84) Been out of the country: no
(86) Burped: yes
(87) Been unfaithful: :/
(88) Been in love: who knowss
(90) Gone skinny dipping: haaaaa! yes
(92) Had a surgery: yeah! and i have another one on tues!
(93) Ran away from home: haha does going under the porch count?
(94) Played strip poker: no
(95) Gotten beaten up: no
(97) Been picked on: yea
(98) Been on stage: yeap
(100) Slept outdoors: yesss! under the stars, it so much fun <3
(101) Thought about suicide: noo
(102) Pulled an all-nighter: yessss
(105) Talked on the phone all night: ha, yes again.
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex: yep
(107) Slept all day: god. yes...<3
(108) Killed someone: no
(109) Made out with a stranger: nah, not my thing
(110) Had sex with a stranger: naw
(111) Thought you're going crazy: all the time
(112) Kissed the same sex: nope
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex: noo
(114) Been betrayed: mmmmm
(115) Had a dream that came true: nope, not yet
(116) Broken the law: yah, not on purpose.
(118) Have you ever killed an animal by accident: goldfish.
(146) Stolen anything: a water...not on purpose.
(147) Been on radio/TV: yahh
(148) Been in a mosh-pit: i stay away from em'
(149) Had a nervous breakdown: oh yeahh
(151) Been criticized about your sexual performance: haha no
(152) Bungee jumped: man that sounds like fun
(153) Had a dream that kept coming back: yeah...scary

(166) Believe in life on other planets: who gives a hoot.
(167) Miracles: yea
(168) Astrology: no
(169) Magic: nope
(170) God: yes
(171) Satan: yes
(172) Santa: awhh santa!
(173) Ghosts: yes
(174) Luck: nope
(175) Love at first sight: naw
(177) Witches: nahhh
(178) Easter bunny: awhhh
(179) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: yes
(180) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: nah
(181) Do you wish on stars: yessssss

LOVE, and all that
(182) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title: nopeee
(183) Do you remember your first love: :/
(184) Still love him/her: dont think about it
(185) Do you consider love a mistake: sometimes it feels like it
(186) What do you find romantic: awhh traditional stuff
(187) Turn-on: nice hands. weird i know.
(188) Turn-off: gross hands. haha god erin, stop.
(189) Do you base your judgment on looks alone: noo
(200) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel: ehh' bad cause i probably wouldnt date em
(201) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind" date?: yea I would
(202) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out: i asked nate out. who cares if its socially accepted!!
(203) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: ummm...no?
(204) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking: ? never asked
(205) What do you like best about the opposite sex: stop asking these stupid questions
(206) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex: ...ego
(207) What's the last present someone gave you: awh my gram gave me a get well bear today!
(208) Are you in love: ...i might be?
(209) Do you consider your significant other hot: haha yesss :*
(210) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk: haha im reading these questions to nate and he says there is no such thing as a hot guygirl. haha

(211) That haunted you: my turkey sandwich...
(212) You wanted to kill: wow.
(213) That you laughed at: nate
(214) That laughed at you: nate haha
(215) That turned you on: "
(216) You went shopping with: moll, kel, kait
(217) That broke your heart: no comment
(218) To disappoint you: same person as before
(219) To ask you out: haha
(220) To make you cry: mmmm. tear
(221) To brighten up your day: gram
(222) That you thought about: mandy at college <3
(223) You saw a movie with: nate, polar express! hell yes
(224) You talked to on the phone: im on the phone with nate right now
(225) You talked to through IM: deed!
(226) You saw: gram awh gram
(227) You lost: gramp
(229) You thought was completely insane: nate
(230) You wanted to be: ?
(231) You told off: ...?
(232) You trusted: kel
(233) You turned down: ummm

(234) Smiled: right now!!! :)
(235) Laughed: ditto.
(236) Cried: when i broke my arm.
(237) Bought something: today. a card for karhan!
(238) Danced: homecoming
(239) Were sarcastic: im sarcastic all the time
(240) hugged someone: gram hahahahha
(241) Talked to an ex: umm, a week ago?
(242) Watched your fave movie: awh..havent in awhile
(243) Had a nightmare: hmmm
(245) Talked on the phone: tee hee im on the phone
(246) Listened to the radio: in the car today
(247) Watched TV: alllll today
(248) Went out: last night
(249) Helped someone: kelsey's project
(250) Were mean: you bastard!
(251) Sang: in the shower
(252) Saw a movie in a theater: last night
(253) Said "I love you": months ago.
(254) Missed someone: everyday
(255) Fought with a family member: with my sistaaaa
(256) Fought with a friend: last nightt
(257) Had a serious conversation: im never serious
(258) Got drunk: ...
(259) had sex: nope
(260) Took A shower: this morning
(261) Got Hurt (physically): arm....
(262) Got Hurt (mentally): you bastard
(263) Song you listened to: ice ice baby hahaha!

surgery on tues! woo woo!
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