Nov 16, 2006 06:30
I just had the worst week of my life. ever. period
My heart exploded out of my chest and now it's in the process of being rebuilt. Jess is stitching it back. I think it will leave some rather nasty scars but it will be rebuilt.
I don't care much for talking about it more. Though I do have a piece of writing on the subject if anyone should care to see.
Anyways, I had some overdue books from the library that i realized today i need to renew. So i go to the library because i have some fines and can't do it online. I'm thinking it will be like a buck for the fine.. Nope. 11 bucks. What the hell is that? 11 dollars for overdue books!? The library makes bank is all i can say.
i'm tired. bed for me.