Summary: Mayoral incumbent Holling is stung by the news that he has a formidable opponent, old friend Edna Hancock, who's got a bee in her bonnet over a promise he never kept. The election also finds Shelly testing the aphrodisiac of power, Chris waxing patriotic, Ed anticipating his first time voting, and Joel and Maggie arguing party politics.
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Obviously fields with great similarity!
She has a point! She's into campaign psychology!
She's ahead of her time!
(I love how Joel is wearing a bright red shirt and she's wearing a giant blue coat.)
HA! I never noticed that!
Gee, Holling, way to elect her Mayor of Homogeneous Indian Vote.
If he'd been able to vote, we would have gotten regular Chris odes, but since it was forbidden, we got Chris Speeches Up To Eleven.
He's compensating!
Ed is just beautiful sometimes.
...Isn't that kind of the whole series?
One five-year-long home improvement project? Heh, perhaps. But I want to see them try to build a deck together or something.
I THINK SHE IS, YES. So great!
My long-lost grandmother!
I'm sure the fence helps.
Good fences make good neighbors! Also not-dead neighbors!
"You've dirtied our pristine capitalism with the creeping weeds of democracy You can't unring that bell!!"
Democracy as kudzu?
Aww. I wonder if that had a teeny influence in their having dinner at the end.
Perhaps a teeny one!
My first thought: "Maggie, why are you setting up for a puppet show?"
A puppet show about democracy?
Take your eyes off it for one second AND IT'S CRAWLING UP YOUR LEG!
A puppet show about democracy?
Only in Cicely.
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