Apr 26, 2009 16:15
So, Friday was supposed to be a routine appointment with the OB down in Everett. As a fluke, Robert took time off work to go with me. Thank God because if he hadn't been there I would have lost my freaking mind.
Got the ultrasound done, and for the second time in a row, CJ looks to be smaller than Carter. And more so this time. In fact, she's estimated to be a full lb and 4 oz smaller. She also has a tiny abdomen. They had to explain to us that that would be a big indicator. Babies loose weight in the abdomen first. It all means Carter is absorbing most of the nutrients and oxygen, stunting her growth. Bad and dangerous ju-ju. On top of that, my blood pressure continues to rise to dangerous levels. SO, Doc Barford gave the go, and I was admitted to the hospital immediatley, and the idea now is to try to level things out and try to keep me pregnant another week so the babies can be born safely. Translation, a week in the hospital, an hour and 1/2 from home, bored out of my mind.
Hubby was kind enough to bring all kinds of stuff to keep me comfortable, clothes, toiletries, COMPUTER... Thank God for WiFi. :-D This is at least a good hospital, wonderful staff, fully capable of care for just about anything the little ones and I could throw at them. It just sucks. Darn it.