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ADD: "Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms." ~ Groucho Marx (last edited 29 Jan 08,3:30pm)
Most of my Full-time Singapore National Servicemen (NSFs) are recently circulating this youtube clip at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK3wi2Tt4Pc (Clip entitled NS song by Evil Bunny).It is a bit of dry wit but what the lyrics mention have its truth too hehe =P
In case you people are wondering about the lyrics,I shall explain a bit about the terms used in the song ^_~ ==>
NS Song
*NS is for everyone
NS is a crime
NS is a must for all
NS waste of time
Civil Defence & Police, don't forget Army
We cannot escape & we don't wanna go DB*(Dentention Barracks = military jail)
Listen Fellow Singapore
Listen carefully
Want to share something with you
Don't worry,it's free
I served NS for 2 years
This is my story
Who's singing out of tune?
The name is Evil Bunny
Some of them "ayam sakit" (sick chicken = weak in health)
Some are super "on" ("on" = to be overactive in anything one does)
Some like to "angkat encik" (angkat = bootlick encik=warrant officers)
Some are plain moron
Mess boy,provost & medic (mess boy=one who works in cookhouse, provost=military police)
All have taste the whip
But at the end of the day
We're nothing but conscripts
Kena tortured day & night ("kena" = on the receiving end)
This is BMT (Basic Miltiary Training for all National Service recruits for 2/3 months)
All your friends working full time
You have no money
Everybody like to "keng" ("keng" = malingering,trying to cut slack)
Rub some soap in eye
Whack your knees with metal pipe
And get MC as prize
Repeat **
I tell you 2 years is no joke
"Tahan" all the way ("tahan" = to tolerate,endure)
Grit my teeth & clench my fist
They'll free me one fine day
Difficult to find a job
But I'm an optimist
Finally get interview
But clash with reservist
Unemployed for 3 long years
Girlfriend dumped me too
Suddenly the news say war
Expect me fight for you
Listen Fellow Singapore
Listen carefully
I'm not against NS now
Hope you not blind to see
I know of a better way
Sign some peace treaties
Cut down on the arrogance
Show humility
Lend a hand when they need help
Deliver some aid too
God forbid we burn in flames
and friends to the rescue
And who knows they'll sell us sand (Indonesia sells Singapore sand)
Play soccer with Malaysia
Sell us cheap water (refers to Malaysia but S'pore succeeded in its own Newater)
Majulah Singapura (Singapore's National Anthem.It means Forward Singapore)
Repeat **
Quote of the day:
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." ~ Herm Albright