Mar 10, 2004 09:52
Dear Die-ry,
~So yeah its been a while and there is a lot to cover. I mean well lets start off with Spring break. I got a ride from my roommate Eugene Rossov in his hot Camaro ZS8 if I remember right and got to NYC in style. I really didnt do anything the first day. Though when I was home Miguel my sisters new bf was home and was with his kids. THey were watching Godzilla and this being there first time really hanging with me they were a lil nervous. On the way to nyc from boston Eugene stopped at a place to pee so I got two super bounce for the kids cuz I heard their voice on the phone when I was telling my mom it be another hour 'til I got home.
~It was odd to say my sisters bf had kids but they are so much fun lol. Tevin and Kayliana a boy and a girl and the lil girl asks so many questions it was hilarious. The boy Tevin was a lil shy'er (sas) but we soon started joking around and having fun as he felt comfortable with me. It was ok to have two kids in my house I guess I've always loved children. Someone once told me I was ok with adults and great with kids I just have problems relating to my own age group. I guess its true becuase I could more easily relate to a three and 5 year old then I can to most people in my classes.
~They had the entire weekend with us so they were their friday and saturday and most of sunday. Miguel is currently divorcing his wife..dont ask..and so we had to return his kids sunday night. That was one long long ride to where he used to live I was like this is the boondocks seriously. Ehh each there own lol. I just dont want to live too far away from a major city. Thats why I am in Boston for schooling lol. The rest of the week at home wasnt much fun. I ended up getting sick everyone did. Miguel nearly had a seizure, he's prone to them, I got a head cold and nauseous, and my sis has asthma. Hmm the picture of health I swear lol. I spent the rest of that week cept for thursday and friday sleeping in being a lazy ass. Thursday and Friday I was at my old High School working in the Ceramics studio it was good to get my hands dirty again and make something with my time and patience. At Poly I met my friend Lindsy while there I got hugs yay lol. The the weekend I was a lazy ass again 'til I left from Nyc at sunday night.
~Now onto school well this week hasnt gone well at all seriously. Its been havoc. I didnt wake up at all monday for my classes it was like I slept through them all. I woke up nauseous and ticked off. Its been a hard week as of far then last night was hell on earth seriously. I was like talking to Estrellita having fun when all of a sudden someone I dont know screenname wise ims me. It turned out it was Lizzy Elmer-Dewitt the person who told me basically to drop off the face of the earth. Lets say I was mad ticked off. I was going Postal sitting in my chair but I decided to show some kindness and listen to her. She was once my friend and as such a part of me was willing to listen. It was a long convo to say the least for two people who never spoke.
~She basically explained herself as being sorry for dropping me and paying attention to her "fiance". I wont go into details cuz I am feeling mad pissed right now even thinking about him. Ill refrain from a fucking rant. Just know hes controlling is the general idea very very controlling. This convo with her ended pretty much me saying Ill try to be friendly but we will never be the friends we used to be at all...not quite sure I ever want to hear the lets hang out part cuz I may go cold and distant. Not quite sure how to deal with that. Then there is more to this Lizzy was telling me I should talk to my ex Erica she had something to tell me.
~So I did briefly things are cleared up but ehhh weird thoughts running through my head last night. I am still weirded out but dealing well that at least things are cleared up I guess. It was something I guess that was needing to be done. I finished last night talking to Estrellita I wasnt feeling well and talking to her helps me. I guess thats all really somethings I didnt want to go into too much details so I left them for some other time or some private rant...heres the entry..Later