So for the past few months I've been wasting my time trying to kill this stupid dragon and now he's finally dead. Bwahahhaa. Here is some screenshots of the event. At any rate through all the tears and laughter that I shared with my guildmates I've found that my real life has fallen into somewhat of a shambles so this past weekend I decided to go visit my buddy John at his college to get away from it all. Basically, I spent the whole weekend chillin with his anime club. Watched a lot of cool anime I had not seen before. Some titles include: Fate Stay Night, Karas, and last but not least Club to Death Angel (Don't ask). All n all I had a great time. It was nice to get away from the same stuff I had been doing at home every weekend and do something out of the ordinary. Made me think about a lot of things most of which I wrote down on a few pieces of notebook papaer. Haven't decided if I'm gonna write them in my LJ yet or not though they were kinda crazy thoughts now that I've gone back and read what I had written. It was also pretty cool to be chilling out at the school I'm gonna transfer to next semester. I can't wait to go but I won't be there for another 4 months ><. Hopefully the summer is good times anyway!