Bits and bobs

Aug 29, 2006 08:24

  1. Is this legal? Due to the large number of applications we are receiving and the particular nature of the position, please only apply if you hold a degree from any of the following institutions:
    • Oxford University
    • Cambridge University
    • University of Edinburgh
    • London School of Economics
      Although I clearly am qualified on that basis alone, I'm not sure I would ever want to work somewhere whose management thought that way.

    • The local elections in Georgia have been called for October 5th. Election observers will probably be needed.

    • I think that one of the "lunatic fringes" to which Chris Priest referred in his GoH speech to last year's Worldcon has just expanded to include most of fandom. [edited to add: I should make clear that I myself do not regard the people concerned as in any way lunatic.]

    • wwhyte has an interesting observation about Rose's story arc in Doctor Who. Go read it.

doctor who, writer: harlan ellison, world: georgia, job hunt, election observation

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