I seem to be on a number of panels at P-Con this weekend:
10:15 Just a Minute Quiz with
Paul Cornell,
Leah Moore (moderated by
Frank Darcy)
Panellists must speak on a given topic for 60 seconds without hesitation, deviation, or repetition
13:00 Fantastic! The Doctor Who Panel, with
Paul Cornell and Colin Greenland, with me moderating (note to self - make sure I have eaten something first).
The enormously successful relaunch of Doctor Who under the microscope, with one of the series’ scriptwriters on hand to give an insight into how it all happened.
17:00 The Sow That Eats Her Own Farrow: How the Book Business is Destroying Itself, with
Juliet E McKenna, Bob Neilson,
Colin Smythe, and me moderating again.
As bookshops continue to sell more books for less money, and publishers only want guaranteed bestsellers, is the book trade in danger of destroying itself?
11:00 Is It About a Bicycle? Flann O’Brien: Ireland’s Master Storyteller, with
Leah Moore,
Colin Smythe and
John W Sexton moderating
Flann O’Brien is Ireland’s most popular writer, according to a recent BBC poll. Now, sales of The Third Policeman have soared after the book appeared in an episode of TV series Lost. Here’s an introduction to his work.
15:00 Awards? We Don’t Need No Steenking Awards!, with Colin Greenland and
autopope, and me moderating.
Do awards serve any useful purpose, or are they simply good for the winner’s ego? A few award winners tell it like it is.
I'm glad that
slovobooks and the team have such confidence in my moderating skills! Though I think I will have one or two things to say about the topics in question myself...
See some of you there, perhaps?