(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 17:12

The next concours, ie the next round of recruitment for the EU's administrative machinery, has been announced. The job criteria are:
  • A university degree of at least three years' duration
  • Thorough knowledge of one of the following official languages of the EU (main language): Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish or Swedish PLUS a satisfactory knowledge of a second of these languages.
  • Citizenship of one of the Member States of the EU

There will be literally thousands of applicants. And you can only apply on-line, between 1 and 29 September. Full details here (pdf file). If you're even half interested in a job as a Eurocrat, this is the time to apply - it will take two or three years for the process to reach a conclusion and there probably won't be another concours this decade.

eu, job hunt

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