Sat, 12:56: RT @ davidallengreen: Post-Brexit policy does not need to be like this - no, it really does not - but there are no other post-Brexit policie…
Sat, 14:48: RT @ journeymaxx: Blackadder II may have been the pinnacle of the series certainly the Potato episode with a post-DW Tom Baker as the mad Re…
Sat, 16:00: 160 hours left to nominate for this year’s Hugo Awards! If you were a CoNZealand member, and you want to nominate, check now to make sure that you are in the system.
Sat, 16:05: RT @ KeohaneDan: I try to explain a dichotomy here: On one hand I am not at all optimistic that CSDP or EU more broadly will contribute mo…
Sat, 16:31: RT @ cstross: Reminder for Americans: a) This is why the UK doesn’t allow civilians to have handguns. b) This is why the UK doesn’t have s…
Sat, 20:48: RT @ Fizzygrrl: Help Twitter plz help i found a bird dead, floating in the water bin we leave out for our raccoons and it was in there 20+…
Sun, 08:07: RT @ johnreppion: Ah, I see that the same people who were all for Lockdown protests (because "freedom of speech" and "lockdown's worse than…
Sun, 10:45: RT @ sundersays: Government did not know how many EU nationals were here, how many would apply & estimates of where they are. Now does not…