My tweets

Feb 02, 2021 12:00

  • Mon, 20:06: RT @ jrmaidment: Extent to which the direction on Brexit was fluid in the second half of 2016 is best illustrated by Philip Hammond's anger…
  • Mon, 20:06: RT @ jrmaidment: Reading the full interview, it is quite amazing Theresa May and Philip Hammond managed to work together for 3 years. How a…
  • Mon, 20:48: RT @ SkyNews: 'Everyone is just really happy to see each other and are enjoying being in the community.' Lockdown has been lifted on the Is…
  • Mon, 23:17: Look folks. Let’s really really *not* get excited by *any* news story about *anybody* getting *nominated* for the Nobel Peace Prize. It is easy to get nominated. People with the right to do so include *any* member of *any* national parliament... 1/3
  • Tue, 09:30: Whoniversaries 2 February
  • Tue, 10:45: RT @ BelfastAgmt: Absolutely no one from Belfast was surveyed
  • Tue, 11:48: Just been charged €27 customs on a book delivery. Thank you, Brexiteers. If you voted to leave the EU, you are personally responsible for deterring me from buying books fro the UK again.
  • Tue, 11:55: RT @ CarolineGruyter: I live in Norway, which is also outside the customs union, and I have stopped ordering things online from abroad. Sove…

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