Jan 03, 2021 12:00
- Sat, 12:56: RT @ stphnfwlr: Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger puts out a statement deriding “failed treasure hunter” J. Johan Philyaw (aka…
- Sat, 13:34: RT @ khalafroula: This quote Iain Duncan Smith: “I just wish I was 21 again... My goodness what prospects lie ahead of us for young people…
- Sat, 13:52: RT @ CallidusDominus: @ khalafroula @ nwbrux Good god... IDS really is awful. I suppose lucky if you reached 21 under his misery architecture.
- Sat, 14:48: RT @ ChairmanYaffle: Excellent on #Brexit and well worth a read. https://t.co/clU9GlPSJH
- Sat, 15:00: Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky The book has three stars - Raskolnikov himself, the actual criminal; Porfiry, the detective; and the city of St Petersburg, whose geography is a key part of the novel. #nwbooks https://t.co/458we8CrAK https://t.co/Jn5oUvagTy https://t.co/2dkMTq3GR5
- Sat, 15:30: Anansi Boys, by Neil Gaiman Takes a new look at Gaiman's old themes of family, death, divinity and identity and does it very well, with a dollop of humour. I creased up with laughter at the story about President Taft. #nwbooks https://t.co/ML4rIK5hYW https://t.co/K1eopPpAuX https://t.co/jV44bn8loe
- Sat, 16:00: Macedonia, by Harvey Pekar and Heather Roberson, illustrated by Ed Piskor One or two of those depicted are people I know, though they are not named and their physical appearance in the book is quite different in real life #nwbooks https://t.co/vskqD2arIn https://t.co/OQa5vwOt5F https://t.co/mV58TcHu0n
- Sat, 16:05: Dover voted 62:38 for Brexit, and now they are complaining that they have got what they asked for. https://t.co/qUGi00biQS
- Sat, 16:30: The Stolen Village: Baltimore and the Barbary Pirates, by Des Ekin On 20 June 1631, pirates from Algiers descended on Baltimore in County Cork and kidnapped most of the population, selling them into slavery in Africa. #nwbooks https://t.co/W6hrJFT157 https://t.co/NXPKjkMoJj https://t.co/nWdpYDINTm
- Sat, 17:00: The Next Generation, by John Francis Maguire MP It's 1891! Women have had the vote for 20 years. Ireland has Home Rule, there's a Channel Tunnel and steam-powered balloons. #nwbooks https://t.co/L8oZ0TCFSA https://t.co/wuhOysJWAJ https://t.co/ufKxSuBzFJ https://t.co/HwX5fBczgf
- Sat, 17:30: Brave New Worlds, ed. John Joseph Adams I was struck by just how many of the stories focussed on future dystopian interference with reproductive or sexual rights. #nwbooks https://t.co/9TlC3F8OWE https://t.co/4R7FnDfhef https://t.co/jHdxKcADwp
- Sat, 18:00: Wildthyme Beyond!, by Paul Magrs Iris and her peculiar friends are trapped in a parallel universe while on our Earth fans and pro writers of her adventures are uneasily interacting with each other and with her story. #nwbooks https://t.co/Mp8gGSgMq8 https://t.co/gA0uzkX7EB https://t.co/AnKPeL2VfZ
- Sat, 18:15: Back to the Future https://t.co/vI5v4myMVE
- Sat, 18:30: Ormeshadow, by Priya Sharma https://t.co/9eHdC23xtb
- Sat, 20:48: Another triumph for the DUP! https://t.co/DRBQ8tZcNh
- Sat, 23:33: RT @ apcoworldwide: 2021 is a time for long, overdue change. This is the year when everyone needs to take a hard look at their commitments t…
- Sun, 09:30: Whoniversaries 3 January https://t.co/FEKOGveBxP
- Sun, 09:32: The first chapters of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the Philip K. Dick novel on which the film Blade Runner is based, are set on 3 January 2021. https://t.co/0lzu8JCQ9N
- Sun, 10:42: RT @ peterjbirks: @ nwbrux I know I've mentioned this to you before, but the original printing (and also, I note, the 2007 Gollancz edition)…
- Sun, 10:45: RT @ schultzohio: This sentence says everything you need to know: “Not one of the Republican officeholders objecting to Biden's victory hav…