The 2020 overnights meme: where have I been this year?

Dec 07, 2020 18:28

Usually around this time of year I post the list of places where I have spent a night away from home, and since I think it’s unlikely I’ll be going anywhere this month, here we are. (I am thinking of going to the Netherlands for a haircut, but that will be a half day at most.) As usual, places where I spent more than one non-consecutive night are marked with an asterisk.

*London, England
Glasgow, Scotland
*Rome, Italy
Los Angeles, USA
Cambridge, England
(All of the above before the end of February! Then just two trips in July and September.)
Lys, France
Geneva, Switzerland

Roeselaere, Belgium

That’s 8; the previous low was 11 in 2011. Those 8 are in 6 countries; I set foot in another five countries without overnighting, changing planes in the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland, dropping in on relatives in Luxembourg en route to France, and sneaking a quick look at the Vatican while in Rome, for a total of 11, none of them new.

I think this is the first year of my life that I have not spent a night in either part of Ireland, and I’m 53; though at least I changed planes in Dublin on my way to and from LA. I think it’s also the first year since 1995 that I have not been to the Balkans. I have been to the USA every year but one ( 2014) since 2002 - including this year, thanks to Gallifrey One.

Let’s hope for a better 2021.

Previous years: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.

overnights meme

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